World Cancer Day- 10 Most Common Types of Cancer You Should Be Aware About

On World Cancer Day, we unite in a global effort to raise awareness, inspire action, and stand in solidarity with those affected by cancer. Understanding the diverse landscape of cancer is essential for fostering awareness and promoting early detection. Among the multitude of cancer types, certain malignancies pose a higher prevalence and demand our attention. In this exploration, we delve into the ten most common types of cancer, shedding light on their characteristics, risk factors, and the importance of awareness. By disseminating knowledge about these prevalent cancers, we aim to empower individuals with information that can contribute to timely screenings, preventive measures, and ultimately, improved outcomes in the ongoing battle against cancer.

# Lung

Despite a precipitous drop in smoking rates, lung cancer is still the deadliest. According to the American Cancer Society, about a third of the 600,000 U.S. cancer deaths can be directly linked to cigarette smoking. The single best thing you can do to prevent lung cancer—and this warrants repeating ad infinitum—is to quit. For good.

# Breast

You're significantly more likely to develop breast cancer if you're a woman; less than 1 percent of new diagnoses of breast cancer are for men.

# Colorectum

Your risk of developing colorectum—or colon, as it's more colloquially referred—skyrockets after you turn 50. If you experience frequent, serious stomach pain or start seeing sudden changes in your bowel movements, visit your doctor.

# Prostate

In certain cases of prostate cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic, the disease may not cause serious harm. However, if you experience any difficulty peeing or spot even a speck of blood in your semen, it's time to get checked out. For more on the disease, read about exactly what it's like to live with it day-to-day.

# Stomach

Also known as gastric cancer, this condition can fly under the radar for years. But if there's a sudden onset of severe indigestion, inexplicable nausea, or irrepressible heartburn, that may be a bad sign.

# Liver

Liver cancer, though frightfully common, is more preventable than other types of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, excess alcohol consumption is a leading cause of the condition.

# Cervix uteri

Cervix uteri, or cervical, cancer can occur in women as young as 14 years old, and is caused by, among other factors, four strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Be sure to get all three of your HPV vaccine shots—and to get regular PAP smears.

# Oesophagus

Among smoking-related cancers, lung cancer is the most common. Oesophagus cancer—also known more commonly as esophageal carcinoma—is a close second. Again, quit smoking.

# Bladder

More men than women are diagnosed with bladder cancer, but the condition afflicts folks of all genders—typically in middle-age and older adults, though. If you experience blood in your pee, it's time to see a doctor.

# Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs when cancerous cells attack your body's lymphatic system, or the part of your immune system that helps combat infections. Many symptoms—a persistent cough, regular stomach pain, rapid weight fluctuation—are symptoms of other conditions, so, to determine if you're afflicted, it's best to undergo a lymph node exam.
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