5 Easy Cleaning Hacks For House

There seem to be so many cleaning hacks floating around the internet that finding hacks is a hack all by itself. Still, there’s something alluring about the idea that we can get cleaning done faster, smarter and cheaper. Who doesn’t want to believe that with a little ingenuity, we could find a way to drastically reduce the time we spend wiping counters and scrubbing toilets or find a way never to dust again?

So here you are a handful of creative cleaning hacks that might make your next chore day a little easier.

* Put water in your dustpan

Spray or rinse your dustpan with water before sweeping and more of the dirt will stay in the pan

* Keep your trash from smelling bad

Put cotton balls infused with essential oil (you only need a drop or two) at the bottom of your trash can to keep it smelling fresh.

* Use a lint roller to dust

It works great on most surfaces, but especially lampshades.

* Clean your sofa using baking soda

Yep, no upholstery device needed. Get more details here. Baking soda also works well to deodorize mattresses and spot-clean carpets.

* Store bar soap in a sponge

What drips into the sponge can be used for cleaning later and helps to keep soap scum from building up wherever you keep the soap.
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