5 Easy Ways To Help You Keep Non Stick Tawa Clean

Time has gone when steel and mud cutlery were suited best for the kitchen. Now no one wants to buy or use them. These days people are going more for no stick cutlery. These non stick items have smooth surfaces and don't even let your food turn black. So, today we will help you with knowledge about how to keep Non stick tawa clean.

1. Don’t pile pans or pots on your non-stick tawa’s top.

2. Only use plastic, wooden, silicone or non-stick utensils.

3. Follow the manufacturer’s guide to cooking heat for maintaining your tawa and prolonging its lifespan.

4. Don’t clean a non-stick tawa in your dishwasher, because doing it may cause a detergent stack. Hand wash will be best.

5. Don’t use steel wool pads or abrasive cleansers for cleaning a non-stick tawa, as these may damage or scratch the surface. So, ensure using non-stick scrub sponge only.
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