5 Indoor Plants That are Low Maintenance

Bringing the outdoors in is huge in decor right now, and seemingly everyone I know has a lush indoor garden full of flourishing houseplants. I, on the other hand, have a trickier relationship with the green things I bring into my home. I wouldn't call my thumb black, but it's definitely getting there, and so, sadly, are many of my own plants.

That's why I reached out to some experts to find out which types of houseplants are easiest to keep alive. We're talking low-maintenance wonders that can stand up to your neglect while still bringing a touch of green into your life. Take a look at the list below, then see if any of these gorgeous plants could be a fit in your home.

* Pothos

Also called devil's ivy, pothos is a favorite houseplant of Justin Hancock, a horticulturalist for Costa Farms (the largest grower of houseplants in the world). It does well in "bright, medium or low light and doesn’t mind drying out now and again. Pothos offers heart-shaped green leaves often speckled in shades of gold, cream, silver or white depending on the variety. It's a vine, so you can grow it up pole or [a] trellis, let it trail from a basket or train it horizontally along a mantle." It is also a great choice if you're looking for a plant that can help purify the air in your home.

* Spider plant

We all had spider plants growing up, and they're back in a big way. Hancock explains this plant "likes a bright spot best, but does just fine in low and medium light too... natural or artificial light is just fine." You will occasionally need to snip any dead leaves and should keep to a regular watering schedule, but "because it has thick, tuberous roots that store moisture, it's not fussy about how often you water."

* Ponytail palm

Ponytail palms are used to dry weather and have a trunk that stores water, explained Hancock. "However, yours will be happiest and grow best if you give it water when the top inch or 2 of the potting mix dries to the touch," he shared. It does best in medium to bright light and "looks ready for a Hawaiian shirt and a margarita next to it."

* Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreen is a good choice if you don't have a lot of natural light coming into your space. It's also pretty forgiving when it comes to watering and can go two or three weeks without moisture if it has to, though it grows best when you add water once the top inch or 2 of the potting mix dries.

* ZZ plant

The ZZ plant is one you might not have heard of, but it's well-suited to growing indoors. "It has thick, rubbery leaves that might remind you of a palm or fern; many people think they look like plastic. It requires about as much attention as a plastic plant too," shared Hancock. It will grow faster in bright light, but does just fine in areas with low to medium light too. And you only need to water it once a week or so.
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