5 Plants That Can Be Grown From Cutting

Growing your favorite flower/plant at home is everyone`s dream. But to maintain them can be a very time-consuming thing. Before getting them planted at home you need to do a lot of research. Growing the cuttings from existing herbs and plants, is totally helpful and reasonable. Its a fact that your trimmings, being full-grown and at proper height and size, will grow much quicker and will likely resemble their parent plant.


Lavender is grown from tip cuttings, around 3 inches, and it’s rooted in a cold frame. Then, it’s transplanted into garden beds, after 4 to 6 weeks.


For new rosemary plant, take tip cuttings in the spring or basal or heel cuttings in fall, rooted in cold frames. Take few cuttings in separate pots, covered with plastic dome, in order to avoid a great number of rosemary plants.


Rose is grown from hardwood cuttings, thick as a pencil, during fall and remember to water them during winter period.


Thyme is grown from tip cuttings during the summer, you can take several types of thyme and put them in a moist potting medium.


Comfrey is grown from root cuttings, in spring or fall. The root cuttings are from the parent plant, from its root and planted in worked bed, covered with mulch.
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