5 Signs That Indicate You Must Leave Your Job

If you hit your snooze button 15 times or roll out of bed every morning frowning about what your work day holds, it’s perhaps time to jump the ship.

* You can’t hide your disdain at work

If other people are noticing that you are cranky or unhappy, it’s not good. It could impact your relationship with your boss and be noted as a performance issue.

* You dislike your team

If you have issues working together with your immediate group on projects or their everyday habits are like nails on a chalkboard to you, the problem might not be them. It could be that you would fit in better somewhere else.

* You dislike your team leader

There are plenty of terrible bosses out there: mean, arrogant, and just plain incompetent. It’s also possible that he or she is a great person, but you just can’t flourish under their style of management. If you find yourself rolling your eyes every time you get an email from this person, it could be time to leave.

* Your personal life is affected by your job

Feeling overworked and unhappy can drag down other parts of your life. This can show itself in a variety of ways: feeling short-tempered with family or friends, having issues with sleep, or feeling anxiety over things that may not seem work-related.

* Company morale is low

Shared misery can be a rallying point for coworkers when things are rough, but it could be that everyone is unhappy because something is seriously wrong at the upper management level. Even if you feel loyal to your company, it’s important to keep an eye on how things are going in general and to decide whether any issues are likely to be resolved in the short term.
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