5 Tips To Care For Potted Plants During Winters

Winter container gardening is tough. You have to protect plants from wind, harsh sunlight and drying out. The biggest challenge, though, is guarding against root damage caused by rapidly fluctuating temperatures. Here are some winter care tips for pot Plants-

* The more soil in the pot, the better insulated the roots will be. If possible, you could simply slip the existing container into a larger container and fill the side with soil or mulch.

* Cluster several containers together and move them to a sheltered spot, such as near the house or a south facing wall.

* Encircle the containers with chicken wire and fill with leaves or mulch. Once the ground freezes, add mulch to the tops of the plants.

* Consider using a cold frame or create a make shift cold frame by surrounding the containers with pales of hay and covering them with an old window or glass door or a sheet of plexiglass. Keep an eye on your plants if the weather warms. It can heat up quickly under glass. Lift the cover if temperatures are going above about 40 degrees F. and remember to close it at night.

* For marginally hardy small trees and shrubs, you can protect them from frigid winds by driving 3-4 stakes around their perimeter, about 8-12 inches from the branches, and then wrapping them with burlap. Don't let the burlap touch the leaves or needles or they could suffer more frost damage than if left unprotected. You could use a cage of chicken wire instead of the stakes.
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