5 Ways To Use Lemon To Clean House

When life gives you lemons, you must make lemonade. Well, apart from making your favorite lemonade, lemons can be used for various other purposes, too.

In addition to health and beauty remedies, there are many things you can do with lemons, which are all natural with no chemicals or additives and smell amazing.The acidic nature of lemons and the grease-cutting oil contained in the peel makes this fruit a multifunctional agent.

* Washes Off Pesticides

Organic food products are not always readily available, plus they can be expensive. But eating commercially produced goods, such as fruits and vegetables, are not good for your health due to the pesticides with which they may have been treated.Washing your fruits and vegetables in just plain tap water, at times, is not enough to get rid of the harmful pesticides. This is where you can make use of a lemon.

* Cleans the Microwave

If your microwave is getting messy and needs a good cleaning, lemon is the secret ingredient to try. The acidic nature of lemons works as a good stain and grease remover and will help to get rid of all the buildup on the inside of your microwave.

* Stops Rice from Sticking

Making rice is very easy, but for many keeping the rice from sticking together can be tough.The fluffy texture of rice is important for many rice recipes. To get the perfect texture, lemon is what you need.Simply add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to a pot of rice and water before bringing it to a boil. When the rice is done, you will not even taste the lemon in it.

* Prevents Hardening of Brown Sugar

To prevent brown sugar from hardening and clumping, it is important to store it in a cool area in a covered, airtight container once the box or bag has been opened. Proper storage helps avoid drying out and hardening of the sugar.Along with using the proper containers to store your sugar, you can use a simple lemon hack to help prevent your brown sugar from hardening into a solid mass.

* Removes Limescale from Kettles

Limescale, a calcium compound common on kitchen appliances that come into regular contact with water, is a household nuisance. This hard-water deposit can be easily vanquished with the right cleaning agent and a bit of elbow grease! And the right ingredient is none other than a lemon.The acidic nature of lemons helps loosen the limescale and even keeps the appliance smelling fresh and nice.
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