Recipe- How To Cook Hard Boiled Egg Without Cracking

The Egg is one commonly heard name in almost all the houses. It is such that it can suffice your hunger and is highly nutritious at the same time. However, an egg cracked while boiling is a major turn off and ruins the smack of it. In this article find the reasons to why so happens and also how do you boil eggs so they don’t crack?


12 white or brown eggs of your choice
Water for boiling
Salt as per need
Large pan


* Keep the eggs in the large pan. Add cool water to this. The water level should be an inch above the eggs.

* Turn on the burner and keep it on the medium flame. As the water starts to boil cover the pan with the lid. Turn off the heat. Let the eggs set 12 minutes.

* Remove the eggs from the water and keep them in a colander. Hold the eggs under the tap water and start peeling them.
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