Recipe- Perfect for Lunch Egg Curry

Now, I'm not entirely sure where this dish came from, but I have a feeling it was one of my mum's money-saving innovations back when we were children. That said I've heard since that other families cooked it too. Whatever its origins and history, it's fun to make and it really does taste great .

Egg Curry Ingredients

4-5 free range eggs
1 tbsp oil
3 green cardamom
3 cloves
¼ tsp turmeric
7cm cassia bark
¼ tsp chilli powder


1 onion, blended
2 garlic cloves
5cm piece ginger
1 green chilli
1 tsp salt
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp chilli powder
200g tinned tomatoes
1 tsp garam masala
handful of fresh coriander, finely chopped

Egg Curry Method

- Place 4-5 eggs in a pan of cold water and bring to a rolling boil. Once boiling turn the heat off and put the lid on the pan. Leave for 10 minutes for a fully hard boiled egg, less time if you want it softer.

- Pour the water away and submerge the eggs in cold water.

- Remove the shells and set to one side until cooled. Prick all over with a fork.

- Heat the oil in a pan on a gentle heat. Add the cardamom, cloves and cassia until fragrant then on a low heat add the turmeic and chilli powder.

- Add the boiled eggs and roll in the spices to coat and roast them. Remove the eggs and set to one side.


- Blend the onions and add to the pan with the whole spices and cook until golden on a gentle heat. If the onion sticks turn the heat down and add a dash of hot water and continue to cook for about 15 minutes.

- Blitz the ginger, garlic and chillies stir and cook for about 5-6 minutes.

- Blend the tomatoes and add to the pan along with the salt, tumeric and chilli powder.

- Stir together and cook until the tomatoes and onions produce a thick masala paste.

- Once the masala sauce has cooked add approx. 100ml little water to loosen the sauce and simmer for a few minutes.

- Gently place the roasted eggs into the masala and leave to simmer for a few minutes. You can cook this in advance and leave for the flavours to soak into the eggs.

- Stir in the fresh coriander, garam masala and serve.
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