Recipe- Simple and Eggless Bournvita Cake

I tweaked a basic wheat cake recipe and tried this. I should say it came out so moist and tasty that it got over on the same day itself.The cake was so soft that it can be had as such too without any frosting.Trust me I am not fond of heavy frostings except for birthdays. Kids don’t complain if I serve cakes without frosting so I don’t push myself to frost cakes and cupcakes. But for this bournvita cake I wanted to make a simple frosting which I tried from here and it came out so good. So glad I frosted the cake, it was extra yummy.


Dry Ingredients

1 cup wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup bournvita
1/4 cup granulated white sugar
1/8 tsp salt

Wet Ingredients

3/4 cup + 1/4 cup warm water
1/2 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla essence
3 tbsp cooking oil

For Bournvita Frosting

1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp cornflour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp bournvita
1 tbsp choco chips


* To begin with first to a mixing bowl add flour, baking soda and salt.

* Mix it well with a whisk for even mixing, set aside.
* You can alternatively sieve it too.

* To another mixing bowl - add sugar and bournvita.

* Powder it fine using a mixie. Use a dry mixer jar.
* Transfer to the bowl and set aside.

* To a big mixing bowl add warm water, oil and vinegar.

* Now add powdered sugar bournvita mixture to it.

* Mix it well without lumps. Mix until sugar and bournvita dissolves completely.

* Add in flour mixture.

* Add remaining warm water.

* Whisk to form a smooth flowing batter.

* The batter should be thick but flowing.

* Prepare the cake tin by placing butter paper. Brush with oil/butter, sprinkle wheat flour. Tap to remove excess flour.

* Pour the batter inside the cake tin.

* Preheat the kadai with steel stand placed inside.

* Cook covered for 35-40 mins or until a tooth pick inserted in center comes out clean.

* Cake is done id the toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean or with cake crumbs. If baking in oven bake at 180 deg C for 30 - 35 mins or until a toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean. Don't worry if the cake cracks out, its normal.

* Let the cake cool down for few mins then invert to demould.

* Remove butter paper, let the cake cool down completely.

* Meanwhile we can prepare bournvita frosting : To a pan add milk,chocochips,bournvita,cornflour and sugar.Heat it up.

* Mix well without any lumps.

* Keep cooking until a thick sauce consistency is reached. Set aside to cool.

* Once both the cake and frosting is cool, add the frosting to the top of the cake. Spread it to a thin layer.
* If you prefer you can frost the sides too.I just wanted to make it simple so stopped with just frosting the top alone.

* Add edible sugar silver beads on top. Cut and serve!

* Enjoy.

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