Recipe- Start Your Day With Healthy Black Rice Puttu

Black Rice is a deep purple colored rice from the Chettinad region of Tamil Nadu. It is also known as Kavuni Arisi or Karuppu Arisi in Tamil. This rice is known for its high nutritious content especially antioxidants which gives it the colour. On cooking it has a sticky texture.


Black Rice - 1/2 kg
Grated coconut- as needed
Salt- as necessary
Water- as necessary

How to make Black Rice Flour?

* Wash the black rice in water. Soak it overnight or for atleast two hours.

* Drain the excess water and spread in a clean cloth to air dry. It should dry in 2-4 hours.

* Grind it to a coarse powder at home using a mixie or by giving in a flour mill.

* Dry roast the flour in a heavy bottomed kadai for 3-5 minutes till all the moisture is gone and it becomes very dry. This puttu flour can be stored in an airtight container for upto 2 months. It is ready to make puttu.


* Take about 2 cups of black rice flour in a plate. Add some salt and mix.

* Sprinkle some water and keep mixing with your hand just until the flour becomes moist and crumbly. The flour should hold together when pressed between your palm but quickly crumble up. That is the perfect texture.

* Today I have used my cheratta puttu maker on top of my pressure cooker to make this puttu. First take water in the pressure cooker and bring it to boil.

* Put the disc in the puttu kutty and add 1-2 tbsp of grated coconut at the bottom. Fill to the top with the prepared puttu flour.

* Put the lid and carefully place it on the pressure cooker or puttu kudam.

* Within few minutes, you will see steam coming from the top holes of the puttu kutty. Wait for another few minutes and you will get a nice aroma.

* Remove it onto a plate and eat it hot for best taste.
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