Recipe- Cafe Style Latte at Home

Coffee is the life force that keeps this mama running in ten different directions during the day.




* Brew up your favorite coffee (we recommend the Super Tuscan or 40 Sardines for a rich, smooth taste).

* As the coffee is brewing, heat 1 to 1½ cups of milk in a saucepan. If you are looking for a rich, creamy latte, use 2% milk. If you’re looking for skinny coffee, give skim or 1% a try (and remember—you can always try something new like almond milk, rice milk or soy milk!).

* Whisk the heating milk into froth (WARNING: you will get a bit of an arm workout!).

* Pour the coffee into your favorite mug, leaving a bit of room at the top for some milk.

* Drizzle the milk over the coffee, holding some froth back with a spoon.

* Finish up the pour by layering froth on the tippy top of the beverage.

* If you like it sweet, add some sugar, vanilla extract, a dusting of cinnamon or honey. We recommend staying away from non-dairy creamers—they’re just not as satisfying!
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