Summer Recipe- Delicious and Easy Homemade Caramel Latte

A quick tutorial on how to make a homemade caramel latte without a store bought syrup or milk frother. Homemade lattes are a great way to save a bit by cutting down on coffee house visits.For the record, to me, foam is different that that beautiful crema you find naturally occurring on a perfectly pulled espresso. That is acceptable. A bubble bath floating atop my coffee is not. So we do not own a milk frother, and that is fine by me. But to get you pretty pictures, I had to top these lattes with something, so we opted for homemade whipped cream. It must be homemade because I detest that waxy-scary-squirt-out-of-a-can stuff even more than I dislike foam. If you’re going to indulge, keep it real. I will have a “recipe” for this later when I make some of my fabulous hot chocolate for you.


2 to 4 shots brewed espresso
1 cup milk
4 tsp caramel sauce, divided
extra caramel sauce for drizzling, if desired
whipped cream for topping, if desired


* Brew your espresso and set aside. I used a 3-cup stovetop espresso maker to make two lattes.

* Heat your milk in the microwave or stovetop until warm, but not boiling

* Put 2 tsp caramel sauce in each mug, add the desired number of espresso shots, and a 1/2 cup of milk. Stir

* If adding whipped cream, float the whipped cream on top of the latte and drizzle with additional caramel.
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