10 Easiest Ways to Fight Depression

Depression can strike anybody, anytime, anywhere. According to the WHO, nearly 57 million, or 1 in every 22 Indians suffer from depression. Depending on the symptoms, depression is termed as mild, moderate, and severe. The reasons for depression can be an external event (like loss of a job, death in the family or romantic break-up) or internal, due to hormonal or biochemical imbalances. Typically, depending on the severity of the depression, psychiatrists treat depression, with drugs like tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors.

Other than severe depression that can only be treated with medication and psychotherapy. There are many natural ways to alleviate depression and boost mood when it comes to mild to moderate depression.

# Exercise

It’s simple, any form of exercise, releases feel-good chemicals like endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. Do what you love doing; be it swimming, running, yoga or walking and you can have an immediate impact on your well-being and boosting mood.

# Gratitude

Being grateful multiplies our happiness. It forces the brain to shift focus on what’s going wrong to what’s going right. Research from University of Indiana and University of California Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center suggest that being grateful leads to well-being and decreased depression. Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be once a year.

# Meditation

Close your eyes, sit in a quiet spot and focus on your breathing or watch your thoughts float by, be aware of your body. Zen Buddhist and Indian monks know this. Perhaps that explains why most look so peaceful. Mindful meditation slows the mind down and helps it to focus on the present, quelling anxiety, and lowering depression.

# Listen to music

According to a paper published in the UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing, listening to music can lower depression by 25 percent, and it also is known to improve self-esteem. Listening to your favourite music can put you in a good mood and make you even shake a hip perhaps.

# Eat right

Being depressed sometimes can lead to a reduced appetite. This in turn could to lead to health related complications that might further worsen the depression. Eating well-balanced meals at the right time can alleviate mood. Also, eating certain foods rich in Omega-3 (salmon, sardines), greens, legumes, berries, walnuts, lean meat, dairy, and whole grains can lead to reduction in depression.

# Animals

Pets are great mood boosters. They offer unconditional love, never judge, and are there no matter what. In a world where everything is transactional, they come as a breath of fresh air. Studies suggest that having a cat or a dog has a pet has therapeutic effects. Animal-assisted therapy has become a globally accepted form of therapy for those who are depressed, anxious or suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

# Dance

Moving the body to a beat is an age old way to celebrate and feel joyful. Dance is part of social ceremonies, religious ceremonies and romantic dalliances. Dance movement therapy has been used to help individuals express themselves and free themselves of emotions that keep them fettered. Science backs this theory up. In a study titled ‘The effect of dance over depression’, it was found that dance lowers levels of depression.

# Journaling

Sometimes just the act of putting feelings down on paper works wonders on peeling layers of emotions and thoughts that are causing depression. Journaling helps those who are depressed with an expressive outlet to what’s bothering them and perhaps labeling these feelings and bad experiences. In doing so, the person begins to understand and think through the current situation, and in the process ends up feeling better.

# Work

Those who are depressed sometimes feel that they don’t want to get out bed, get dressed and go to work. Depression is a sure fire to lose the plot, dig oneself into a hole, and feel like not doing anything. The best way to snap out of this is shake off the feeling and get down to work. This is easier said than done because it is so difficult. Forcing oneself to action against the will to stay still provides almost immediate benefits.

# Yoga

The ancient practice of yoga with its many physical poses, deep breathing and meditation provides a burst of positivity, the ability to deal with pain, increases awareness, reduces depression and promotes good physical health. In many studies and trials yoga has time and again proven that it is a powerful weapon against depression. No wonder it has become a global phenomenon. The good thing is that is practiced by all regardless of whether they are young or old, fit or unfit and flexible or stiff.
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