10 Questions That Are Perfect To Be Asked on First Date

A first date could be as exciting as a roller coaster ride, or as dull as watching paint dry. –You are nervous, excited, anxious, and eager, all at the same time. These overwhelming emotions can leave you tongue-tied, and awkwardly wondering about the right thing to say to your date.

When you are done with the pleasantries, talking about the weather, and getting each other’s bio-data, what do you talk about? What’s the right thing to say next, without making your date uncomfortable and the situation awkward?

Well, we got you covered there.

* What has been your most memorable vacation ever?

* Tell me about something that you did and are extremely proud of.

* How would you like to spend your coming weekend?

* Name one exciting and one dull thing about your everyday routine?

* What is that one hobby you want to take up if money is not a problem?

* How was your childhood? Do you think you’d want to experience it all over again?

* If given a chance, which option will you pick — canoeing and camping or a roller coaster ride and partying?

* What do you enjoy most – debates or friendly discussions?

* Tell me about the worst date you’ve been on so far.

* Name one latest fad that you still did not understand.
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