10 Signs To Know if Your Relationship Is Moving Too Fast For Comfort

The healthiest relationships move at the right pace. Read through these 10 signs to know if your relationship is moving a little too fast for comfort.

There are no fast and hard rules for how quickly a relationship should move. It depends upon a number of factors: how old the respective participants are, their previous experiences, their present situations, their family backgrounds, their general outlook on life, etc.

There are, however, in every relationship, obvious signs that things are moving a little too quickly. You know the kind of thing: you're out with friends, if you haven't yet ditched them, and at some point during your retelling of all the wonderful stories about you and your other half, the eyebrows slowly start to raise. You've done what, when?! comes next, and you suddenly start to wonder if your friends actually fulfill that role at all.

# On the pedestal

Are you putting your partner up on a pedestal, when you barely know anything about them? This is definitely a sign of moving too fast. Maybe you need to get to know a little more about them before you decide they should be seated at the right hand of God!

# Meet the parents

It’s a scary moment in any relationship, but if you or they are meeting the parents only weeks into the relationship, then something is assuredly amiss. Time to pull back on the reins and steer off course for a while.

# Constant contact

Go over your text messages, emails, and phone logs for any given day. If the numbers are hitting three digits, if your phone provider is hunting you down with a bill as long as your arm, and you’ve only just met the other person, it’s a surefire sign you need to slow things down.

# Knowing nothing

If you’re considering giving them the world, but you don’t even know which newspaper they read or which toothpaste they use, it’s time to settle into a more sedate routine and learn a little about them first.

# Knowing everything

In direct opposition to #4, knowing everything can be just as strong a sign. If you’re aware of their bowel movements to the minute and you only just met them last week, you both need to hold back a little.

# Toothbrush time

Ahhhh, the classic sign of a relationship moving too fast: toothbrushes and paste, razors, soaps, even clothes, all begin making their ways into each other’s closets and cabinets. A discussion might need to be had about how speedily things are progressing.

# Once and former friends

Ditching your friends at this early stage? Or maybe your other half is? Never a good sign of a healthy relationship, period, and especially not months or weeks into it.

# The full Kama Sutra

Sex is something that should be given over to a new partner slowly and steadily, building up trust and loving respect along the way. If you’ve gotten to the last page of the Kama Sutra, and you haven’t yet gone for coffee together, you’re in serious danger of turning your wanted relationship into a FWB situation.

# Social media stars

You met on Wednesday, and by Friday, every form of social media is filled with stories and anecdotes of your respective romantic antics. Believe me, your friends aren’t really cooing at how lovely it all is—they’re more wondering what the hell is possessing you to give so much of your public life away to someone you barely know.

# Marriage talk

Talking about marriage already? That’s a BIG no-no in the early stages. Maybe you should start limiting contact until you’ve gotten to know each other a bit better.
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