10 Ways To Make Someone Feel Bad

You probably think learning how to make someone feel bad is wrong on most occasions. But there are certain situations where such behavior is appropriate.

Whether you want to make someone feel guilty for offensive behavior, draw an apology, or teach a person a lesson by letting them feel your pain, learning how to make someone feel bad can be a handy tool for dealing with difficult people.

It is no secret that guilt is an effective way to move people into action. Guilt is an unpleasant feeling. Those experiencing it just want to make it go away as soon as possible.

Despite its effectiveness, making someone feel bad does have consequences. It has the potential to alienate people and destroy relationships. Caution: use it only as a last resort. Determine whether it’s worth risking your relationship over getting back at them.

# Drop verbal hints when the person is around

Most of us have used verbal hints at some point as a passive aggressive way to get back at a person getting on our nerves. For those unfamiliar, verbal hints are subtle jabs disguised as matter of fact statements. They are aimed at a particular person in the immediate area.

For an innocent bystander, the statement would be passed off as a random comment, but the person whom the hint is aimed at knows what you’re talking about.

# Use sarcasm

Sarcasm is not only funny but an effective way of making a person feel bad in a particular situation. It works by pointing out an obvious comment, expressing fake pleasure in an otherwise unpleasant situation, and giving praise to someone who’s obviously doing a crappy job.

Sarcasm requires a little bit of creativity and wit. If done gracefully and with the right timing, you have the ability to have fun at the expense of someone you hate.

# Treat them like they don’t exist

Remember how it hurt when a friend accidentally failed to greet you back that one morning? Humans are social animals who live off the acknowledgement of their fellow beings. You get how bad it feels for someone to be treated like they don’t exist at all. So if you want to make someone feel really bad, disregard their whole existence by ceasing all forms of contact with them.

# Eye for an eye or punitive actions

Revenge is not the most mature suggestion from this list. Admit it, it is sometimes satisfying to see an offending person get punished or suffer bad karma for the things they have done. However, there are times that karma is a little slow in delivering due justice so you take matters in your own hands.

When it comes to figuring out how to make someone feel bad, punitive actions can range from refusing to help a person when they need it, pulling off pranks, and embarrassing them in front of others. However, revenge should be done wisely. Make sure not to cross the line to harassment.

# Use social media shaming

We’re sure that you’ve seen a lot of examples of social media shaming by now. From incriminating video clips and photos of unpleasant moments or screen captures that have gone viral and earned lots of commentary, you have an idea how social media can be an effective tool to ruin someone’s life.

You’d better take care though. Once you decide to use social media against someone, it may come some with some unforeseen and uncontrollable consequences.

# Cease social contact and interaction and show them how better off you are

As folk wisdom puts it, the best revenge is living a better life than your enemies. There is no better feeling in the world than seeing the reaction of someone who has belittled, bullied, or harassed you once you make them realize that you don’t need them in your life to be a better person. Want to take a jab at their existential insecurities? Cease all forms of social contact, treat them like air, and just live a happy life without them.

# Be more successful than them

Then, rub it in. We’ve all heard of the story of the nerd who ended up becoming the boss of the person who bullied him back in high school. We can imagine that the role reversal leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of the bully.

Revenge is indeed a dish served cold. If you’re up to playing the long game in dishing out misery to someone, strive for perfection. Show them that you’ve exceeded them in all of life’s aspects later on.

# Rejection

Want to know how to make someone feel bad, really bad? Snub them. Everybody hates it. No one wants it happening to them. Everybody struggles to deal with it. Human beings are social animals who crave the company of their fellow humans. Employing rejection is a classic way to make them feel bad and unwanted. So if you want to ruin someone’s day *or life*, make them feel that they have no place around you.

# Bring up all the good things you’ve done for the person

Framing a person’s aversive action against the backdrop of all the good things you have done for them is an effective way to elicit guilt from that person. Guilt can really be an uncomfortable feeling that won’t easily subside unless they apologize or change their ways.

# Remind them of all the bad things they have done

If the former doesn’t work, choose to put their character in a negative light by enumerating all the negative things they have done up. Be careful. Such an accusatory action can elicit hostility aside from making them feel bad about themselves. Most would say that this tactic is dirty and even petty, but as they say, extreme situations call for extreme measures.
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