11 Flirty Questions To Ask a Guy and Make Him Flirt Back With You

Want to start something, but aren’t sure how to go about it? These flirty questions to ask a guy are the perfect start to leave him thinking of you.

So, you like this guy, but you aren’t sure if he likes you back. What do you do? You can wait for him to come to you, but that could take forever depending on the guy. Or you can just use the right kind of flirty questions over text or in person and leave him thinking of you, all the time.

Want to do it subtly instead of using these flirty questions, try this guide on how to flirt with a guy very subtly without making it obvious at all!

# Have I seen you here before?

This one works perfectly if you don’t know the guy yet. And this old ‘do you come here often’ classic is an obvious sign you want a flirty conversation. [Read: The most natural conversation starters you can use with a guy]

# How has a guy like you stayed single for so long?

Kind of a jab, guys are usually single for a while for a reason. If it is a broken heart, make it light. If he is a player, you will know because he probably comes back with a cheesy line that makes you think “what?” [Read: The quickest ways to know if he’s a player or a gentleman]

# Have you been working out?

Asking a guy this is obviously telling him you’ve checked him out, and you think he looks good!

Okay, it’s a little cheesy, but you need to look beyond that. With this question, you’re saying, “I checked you out, I think you look fine as hell, and I want you to know it.” Whatever the reply, whether it’s a yes or no, you can automatically compliment them on their body.

# Is it difficult to be so hot?

Yep, ask him a question while telling him what you think of his good looks!

# How fast did you have to run to get away from the herd of girls chasing you?

Find out if he is a serial monogamist or a serial player. He might give up the truth… you just never know. Even if he’s surprised, he can’t help but blush and run out of words for a few seconds!

# Are you trying to turn me on or are you just that irresistible?

Chemistry is not something that two people always mutually have. If you ask him this question, you know immediately by the look on his face if he is as attracted to you as you are to him.

# Is it hard to be so wanted?

Sarcastic and simple, yet, to the point!

# Do you have a carry license for those guns?

So cheesy, but guys are just vain enough for it to work! This is just about the oldest and corniest thing to say as you wrap your hands around his big biceps. But, for the shy guy who isn’t used to come-ons, it definitely makes him smile at your ridiculousness and lets him know you are okay with putting your pride on the line.

# What’s your idea of the perfect first date? Do you think I’d like it?

This is a funny, yet perfect, way to get him to talk about dating you. You ask the question, but he’ll be the one coming up with ways to impress you. See, you can turn the tables around with the right kind of flirty questions to ask a guy!

# What do you think is your most attractive feature?

If you’re talking to a guy who’s awkward or not the brash kind, this is a great way to get him to open up and brag about himself.

# What do you think is most attractive about me?

Does he think you’re hot? Does he think you’re cute? What catches his eye most about you? Getting to know this can help you understand how he sees you.
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