4 Dating Ideas Married Couples Can Try

Do you remember your very first date with your spouse? Perhaps it was at a cafe, or a play. Or you may have stayed up all night and into the wee hours of the morning, discussing how life would be like together. At that time, you felt that you had never met anyone so special, and you couldn’t get enough time together. When the big day came and you became a married couple, you thought that life together would always be the same.

And, although your marriage may be enriching and full of joy, sometimes, it becomes easy to fall into a routine and we tend to forget that this happiness requires work to sustain.

# You-Me Time

Life can be pretty overwhelming sometimes, especially with so many commitments to attend to. However, just an hour together every day can keep your marriage healthy and vibrant. Some ideas which might work are: exercising with your spouse in the morning. Go for a leisurely jog together or take a gym class. Sweating it out together can become a great bonding time for both of you! Or if you're a parent, put the kids to bed early and go for a date night out. Children require more sleep than adults, so make the most of your night together without feeling guilty.

# Surprise Each Other

Take a moment to think about how it felt like during your initial courtship, what was it that made everything so exciting? Whilst we can't turn back time, we can still create surprises in our everyday lives. Send a text just to tell your spouse how much you love them. Better yet, write a letter! Letters show that you've put in an extra effort, and it can just a simple note that shows you care. Send flowers to your wife on a random weekday. Go out to lunch with your husband during a busy work week. Surprises like these keep your spouse feeling as desired as when you were first dating.

# Plan a Weekend Getaway

When things seem dull, perhaps a short vacation is in order. You’ll be surprised how a short break from the usual routine can do wonders for your marriage. Rekindle the flame with a weekend trip, planned with your loved one in mind. For example, if your spouse likes the great outdoors, plan a weekend hike in a neighbouring country. Or if you are unable to get away, make a reservation at a favourite local hotel for a staycation. As a general rule of thumb, plan the getaway with your spouse’s interests in mind.

# Grow Together, Not Apart

The only constant in life is change, and both of you are bound to evolve as individuals. This is fine as long as you grow together and not apart. Get involved in hobbies and mutual interests by choosing new activities to do as a couple. If your spouse is a foodie, explore new eateries during the weekends. Make it extra special by dressing well. Be it a sport, cooking class or even painting, choose one that you know you will both enjoy.
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