4 Things Every Couple Go Through After a Baby

Having a child is always defined as a sign of love, but who knows that lots of problem arises after becoming parents. We all know that a new baby is such an exciting event and brings so many positives it's easy to see why couples expect to feel happier together. It can come as a real shock to find that you are not getting on. But research shows this is normal parenthood is often the most difficult transition anyone will have to make. So, happy couples check out that why and how the relation changes after child birth.

* Quality time

You will not get the quality time with each other. Couple time is now family time. You are always together, but no longer alone. Whether you have been a couple for years or just met and wanted to have a baby quickly, jumping from a twosome to a family is challenging.

* Sex

You are in a full mood and as you started romance, suddenly your child wake up. In that situation you will get frustrated and results will end with fight.

* Freedom

The demands of having a new baby to look after can put a stop any sense of still having any individual freedom. Many parents struggle with not being able to come and go as they please, to go out, and to enjoy their own interests. The regularity of life with children mealtimes, nap times and bedtimes with no letup can feel very suffocating for some parents and takes a lot of adjusting to.

* Changes in relation

It can be difficult to keep up with 'pre-baby' friends. They have different schedules and may not understand the demands on time especially in the early days. But having a baby gives many opportunities to make new friends with other new parents which can be a great source of advice and support.
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