5 Amazing Benefits of Physical Intimacy

Being physically intimate means more than simply heading to the bedroom with your spouse. Physical intimacy can range from eye-contact, holding hands, cuddling, and of course, sex.

Physical intimacy involves a deep emotional connection that is strengthened when you are in close sensual proximity to your spouse. Touching, both romantically and otherwise, can help strengthen this bond.

How important is physical intimacy in a relationship? Having this deep bond can have a positive effect on nearly every other aspect of your relationship.

* Expression of love

One of the biggest reasons why physical intimacy is important in a relationship is because this is one of the foremost ways in which partners express their love for one another. When a relationship lacks sexual chemistry and physical affection it is likely to fail.

* Reduces stress

Being physically intimacy in a relationship helps lower blood pressure and reduce stress responses in the brain. And it isn’t just sex. Studies show that other forms of physical intimacy, such as hugging or hand-holding, can trigger the release of oxytocin.

* Builds trust

Logically, trust is built over time when a couple gets to know one another’s true loyalty, patterns, and behavior. But in the heart, or should we say brain, trust is often triggered by the release of oxytocin.

* Boosts your immune system

Physical intimacy in a relationship creates benefits both mentally and physically. Being intimate with your spouse can actually have a direct effect on your immune system.

* Promotes chemistry

Being physically intimate means not only having intercourse with one another but also sharing personal moments of closeness. These can range from a sweet caress, a lingering kiss the lips, or suggestive proximity. This behavior promotes chemistry and sexual anticipation. This expectation brings excitement to the relationship and makes couples feel more connected.
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