5 Baby Products That are Must

Yes, every baby item is cute (just like every baby!) and there are so many cool things that didn’t exist when we were kids. You also don’t need all of those things! After the first few weeks of new baby, many of these items will be relegated to the “stuff I trip over while walking through the house in a sleep deprived state” list and you’ll silently curse them and wish you hadn’t bought them in the first place.

When it comes to clothes, you’ll find that your infant rather quickly outgrows newborn clothes and that he or she might never have worn all the outfits you had in that size!

The list of most-used items will vary from mom to mom, but these are the ones that I wish I’d known to get with my first and that I still use today. All of these items can be used for several ages and stages and have held up really well through multiple babies.

* BumGenius cloth diapers

We made the decision to cloth diaper to save money but also because this was a safer option for baby. It really isn’t much more work and we have much fewer leaks and ruined outfits than with regular diapers.

* Cloth Wipes

I use cloth wipes and make my own wipe solution to avoid the alcohol and strong chemicals in many conventional wipes.

* Muslin swaddling blankets

I wish I’d found these blankets with my first baby. They are lightweight and big enough to be a great swaddling blanket. nursing cover, and burp cloth for a baby with reflux! They are cute and very functional!

* Homemade baby products

I make all of my own baby products including baby powder, baby oil, diaper cream, etc. Many baby products contain ingredients I wouldn’t use myself and most certainly wouldn’t use on a new baby!

* A Good Stroller

For older babies, we most often just use a lightweight umbrella stroller, but especially when I had a baby and a young toddler at the same time, a high quality double stroller was really helpful. Now, with only one toddler, this lightweight umbrella stroller is the one I take everywhere.
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