5 Best Food to Have Before Going For a Date

Whether you’ve planned a marathon evening of dinner, drinks, and dancing, or an oh-so romantic night of Netflix and chill, you want your body to cooperate with your date night agenda. It’s no surprise that what you eat influences how you feel, and when it comes to close encounters, it’s about more than just steering clear of the garlic. We went ahead and compiled the best (and worst) foods to help you get ready for the big event.

# Salmon

There’s nothing more embarrassing than getting too drunk on a date. But when you spend hours swapping stories and stop counting cocktails, it can happen. If you’re just going out for drinks, avoid this dating pitfall by eating a full meal ahead of time. Studies have shown that lean proteins with plenty of healthy fats (like salmon) slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.

# Dark chocolate

When you find yourself with a case of pre-date jitters, reach for dark chocolate. It has long been lauded as a way to boost your mood, and researchers have found it can also lower stress levels.

# Green Tea

Before meeting up, sip on some green tea. Each cup is packed with catechins, molecules that have been found to boost energy. The tea will also help keep your breath fresh into the wee hours of the morning. Scientists have found that polyphenols—chemical compounds found in green tea—can prevent the growth of the bacteria that causes bad breath.

# Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are another great way to kick up your pre-date energy. A handful of roasted seeds has almost half of your daily recommended value for magnesium, a mineral that’s hugely important for energy production. Just stay away from the salted varieties, which can leave you feeling bloated and sluggish.

# Turkey

Turkey makes a great snack before a Netflix and chill night with your special someone. The lean meat is a great source of tryptophan, but don’t worry about snoozing mid date, unless you pair that turkey with more carbs than usual. Tryptophan does, however, trigger the production of serotonin, leaving you calm and ready to cuddle.
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