5 Healthy Habits You Must Develop in Your Child

With each passing day, your child learns and develops his physical and mental skills, and you as a parent, would want to contribute your best to ensure that your child learns and adopts healthy habits from the very beginning.

Well, it’s not that difficult after all. The key point to note is that you, as a parent, don’t just pass down genes to your little baby. In fact, your baby learns a lot from you- and if you yourself stick to a healthy lifestyle, it won’t really be difficult when it comes to helping your baby learn. As a responsible parent, taking care of your kids health and teaching them to follow healthy habits is very essential. This is the path to preventing infections and keeping various illnesses at bay. We have compiled a few healthy tips to help kids stay healthy everyday!

* Don’t Skip Breakfast

Getting your kid into a regular routine of breakfast-lunch-dinner will help him avoid unnecessary snacking right from the very beginning. This is probably the most crucial and important stages when it comes to helping your kid adopt healthy eating habits. A nutritious breakfast complete with all food groups will help your kid stay energetic and active throughout the day.

* Wash Up

Hand washing undoubtedly tops the list when it comes to getting your kid into healthy habit- explain the importance of washing hands to your little kid, and also focus on the correct techniques – 20 seconds is a must for children. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap or hand wash liquid. Rinse well with water after using the bathroom and before eating food. The same must be followed after they come home from playing outdoors as it would help to prevent your kid from getting any kind of infection from other kids.

* Toss that Tissue

Make sure your kids follow the etiquette of using a tissue or kerchief when they need to cough or sneeze. You also get him/her into the habit of disposing the tissues right away. Keep a trash can in your kid’s room.This would help to prevent the spread of infections among your kids. Also tell your kid to wash his or her hand immediately after sneezing to eliminate spreading of the infectious virus. Teach your kids about how germs can pass through from one kid to another and tell them that using tissues would prevent that.

* Wash Up

Hand washing undoubtedly tops the list when it comes to getting your kid into healthy habit- explain the importance of washing hands to your little kid, and also focus on the correct techniques – 20 seconds is a must for children. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap or hand wash liquid. Rinse well with water after using the bathroom and before eating food. The same must be followed after they come home from playing outdoors as it would help to prevent your kid from getting any kind of infection from other kids.

* Toss that Tissue

Make sure your kids follow the etiquette of using a tissue or kerchief when they need to cough or sneeze. You also get him/her into the habit of disposing the tissues right away. Keep a trash can in your kid’s room.This would help to prevent the spread of infections among your kids. Also tell your kid to wash his or her hand immediately after sneezing to eliminate spreading of the infectious virus. Teach your kids about how germs can pass through from one kid to another and tell them that using tissues would prevent that.
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