5 Most Common Phobia That People Usually Have

Getting scared of something is not a thing to be ashamed about. You are not the alone person who gets scared. There are many different types of phobia that people have. When you’re afraid of something, particularly when that fear is irrational, it is referred to as a “phobia.” Often the best way to overcome phobias is to challenge yourself to address your fear. If you’re scared of the water, sometimes called Aquaphobia, why don’t you learn how to swim and show the world, and more importantly, yourself, that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Here are the 5 most common phobias that people usually have

# Arachnophobia

Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. 10% of male and 50% of female have this kind of phobia.

# Social Phobia

This kind of phobia commonly starts in childhood and approximately 3.5 million of Americans have this. Social phobia or social anxiety is the fear of social situations. Having this may cause a person to withdraw himself from interacting with the public because of his fear of being humiliated.

# Aerophobia

Fear of flying or aerophobia can significantly affect one’s quality of life. Delays on flights may worsen the fear of flying. It is sometimes associated with other phobias like claustrophobia, social phobia or fear of heights.

# Agoraphobia

This includes extreme fright and escapism from any place or situation wherein getting away must be hard or assistance is unavailable in the emerge of panic-like situation. Basically, 3.5 million of Americans have this phobia.

# Claustrophobia

Claustrophobia is the fear of being confined to tiny or small spaces and not able to escape. It is classified as an anxiety disorder that commonly results in panic attacks.
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