5 Practical Ways To Help Your Child Cope Up With Divorce

Divorce can be the most traumatic incident in a child’s life. And for parents, the most painful thing is to tell their child about their separation. How to tell kids about divorce when they doesn’t even understand what it means?

As painful as it can be, partners need to get a grip and handle the situation effectively so as not scar the child’s life. The good thing is that you can do it with a little planning and maturity.

* Choose the right time

Do not make the announcement in haste. Wait for the right time because you cannot simply walk in to your children’s room and tell them that you have decided to get divorced. You do not have to tell them in the very early stages of separation but at the same time do not wait until everything is over.

* Spend time to clear their doubts

Take time to counsel them on the reasons for divorce and reassure them. Clear their several doubts and confusion. Block a time in your day to talk to your kids.

* Tell it together

It is better if the news is conveyed by both the parents. Both of you need to discuss and prepare about what you are planning to tell and how. You need to be positive in your approach instead of fearing the consequences.

* Tell your child it’s not her fault

The absence of one of the parents in your child’s life is unfair. Children might think that they are the reason for their parent’s’ divorce. Give them repeated assurances that the divorce is not their fault and it has got nothing to do with them.

* Avoid blame game

Keep aside any fights, arguments, accusations, and blames while talking to children as they can negatively affect their minds. Never blame your partner while talking to your kids. Remember that your partner is your children’s parent, and they would not want to listen anything negative about their parents, especially in such a delicate situation.
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