5 Things Every Man Should Do After Intimacy

Lovemaking gives you phenomenal feeling and it is not easy to describe this feeling. You two get closer to each other. Well, it is very important to feel good after having sex. Usually, people don't do anything after sex and just sleep. This whole thing kills the mood of girl. Undoubtedly, girls look for little more after sex. Hence, it is very important to make her feel special after the act. But most of the guys don't know what to do to make their lady feel appreciated. Check out the things that a guy must do after sex or lovemaking.

* Take shower together

Having shower together will be a great thing to do. As you are messy and sweaty, water pleases your senses. In fact, when two of you getting all wet and soapy together, it will enhances mood of both of you.

* Play songs

No one deny the powerful impact of music on sexual life too. Turn on soothing music at the background to calm your nerves. Play the tunes that make both of you cozy. Hold her tightly for showing you want her more.

* Give her massage

Massage when does right after sex makes a great impact on your relationship as estrogen and oxytocin level rise. In fact, this massage eases her tensed muscles as well as showcase that you appreciate her and truly care for her.

* Flatter her with words

Everyone loves to hear his or her appreciation. Tell her about her best moves and tell her how good you felt after lovemaking. Talk more about this and tell her how special she is for you. Don't be fake else she would judge.

* Cover her with your clothes

She would really love this act. When it comes to clothes after lovemaking, just offer her your favourite shirt having fragrance of favourite scent. Girls appreciate this gesture of wearing his man's clothes.

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