5 Things You Should Never Do in a Relationship

Men and women communicate differently. So it’s always best to make time to think another way to explain something to your spouse if he doesn’t understand initially. Try to look at the situation through their perspective, and listen with compassion. So, if you want your marriage to work, here are a few don’ts you must always keep in mind.

* Do not expect

Start doing things for your partner instead of expecting him/her to make the marriage a perfect one. Ensure that they understand what you have to say. Don’t expect them to know it beforehand.

* Do not judge

Get to know your partner rather than judging them or their family. Judging means to isolate and disown; asking questions with love is connecting and relating.

* Do not measure compatibility

Start by being compatible with others rather than measuring compatibility. It has to be created not measured.

* Do not pass frivolous comments

Avoid commenting about your partner to someone else or your family. It might seem like you
are disowning the person, rather than connecting.

* Do not forget the golden words

Saying ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ is a must, but do it from your heart.
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