5 Ways To Keep Your Man Interested in You

Keeping him interested can be a bit of a conundrum. Guys can be more picky than we realize; and that, in and of itself, is reason for him to lose interest. It’s not easy when the standard for what men want in women in constantly changing and pushing us to extreme measures and the outer limits of our femininity. Their likes changes from one minute to the next. In one moment, guys will drool all over a girl with a curvy bod and the next they’re hunting down the slimmest of slim girls.

It’s no wonder we’re equally as confused in how to keep him interested. But there are some tried and true methods that can keep him wanting more from you. It will actually involve you giving less, so in the scheme of things you are willing something, too, darling. Study the following tips and see if they don’t help keep him interested in you.

* Don’t play hard to get

Guys don’t like a huge challenge. It’s an oxymoron, no doubt. They want to chase you, but not too far and not for too long and not with too much effort. Men aren’t fair, but if you want to keep one interested, you’ve got to not only play by the rules, but also re-invent them to suit you. This means answer phone calls or texts when you want to, not according to some system or plan devised by him or by society. Do you and if he’s meant to be, he’ll come around. But keep in mind, if you’re too distant, he might lose stamina and he’ll get bored of the chase because, well, he’s not the right one.

* Take care of yourself

Ladies, ladies, ladies –you gotta keep your self-care game on point. This does not mean getting your hair and nails done or having the dopest fits, however, if that’s how you roll, do you, boo-boo. While looking nice is, well, nice; there’s a self-care that happens beyond the surface. If you are taking care of your mental and spiritual life, he will be drawn to you. Why? Because you will be working with light and energies, things that can’t be bought at a store or purchased online. All that stuff comes without a price and is super duper special. If you can combine the outer stuff with the inner stuff, you will become a divine creature that will keep almost any man, of any substance, interested.

* Set Him Free

A man likes his space. So do women, but society tells us that men need space. Give it to him, then. Don’t be all around his neck. That’s wack, not just for him, but for you. You gotta have a life, too. His freedom means you get yours, too. Bonus-bonus, win-win. Don’t be calling to check in on him, when he’s ready he’ll call you. Keep yourself busy so that you’re not waiting around for that phone call, remember you have a life and it should be lived. Living is not waiting around for a guy and surely it isn’t making him the focal point. Society says men should have space, hence guy’s night out, bachelor parties, and man caves.

* Don’t be jealous

Jealousy is naturale and normal, but it should not be a general feeling you have all the time. If that’s happening, then you might have a trauma from the past that needs to be dealt with or the man you’re currently seeing is not the one and he’s giving you all those bad vibes. While experts say certain levels of jealousy are acceptable, but really, no they’re not. If you’re confident and things are on good terms between the two of you, jealousy should not come into play. If you display too much jealousy, you can be sure to lose him quickly.

* Try new things

Being open-minded bodes well for you and it’s not only related to keeping him interested, but also to keeping your life interesting. Guys are into trying new things, new foods, new sports, new whatever; and of course, in the bedroom they’re all about it. This is not to say that the only areas that we can satisfy a man is in the sack, but being open-minded in that arena can benefit you, not just for the moment, but for future occasions. Trying new things will show that you’re exciting, spontaneous, and ready for life. It keeps your light shining and gives you a glow. It keeps you young. It keeps you loving life.
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