6 Things To Do When a Girl Ignores You and Won't Give You a Chance

If you’ve been trying to get with a girl and she won’t hear you out, it can be frustrating. Does she like you? Does she not like you, and she assumes her ignoring you will help you get the hint? Or does she like you, and she assumes ignoring you will make you pursue her even more? What should you do when a girl ignores you?

It can be really discouraging and frustrating when a girl ignores you. You’ve tried everything you can to get her attention and yet she hardly knows you exist.

Obviously, this upset you and you probably want to know what to do next, right?

Well, it can be a little complicated. Girls are complicated in general and then you add the fact that they’re ignoring you and it can be really hard to figure out. The truth is, there are a lot of reasons a girl could be ignoring you.

# Make a big gesture

Sometimes girls need a really big gesture to notice you. A great way to do this is to prove your affection for her. Write her a love note or a poem or something you know she’ll like.

You can also make her something by hand if you’re crafty. No matter what you do, it needs to be big, public, and show her you’re serious about her.

# Give her some space

On the opposite end of the spectrum, just stop your advances altogether. Make her see that you can move on if she won’t give you the attention you want. Some girls just really like having all of your efforts.

When she sees that you’ll drop her and stop talking to her, she’ll start to address you. She’ll stop ignoring you if you start ignoring her.

# Give another girl attention

This is an even better way to get her attention. When a girl ignores you, she might just be doing so because she knows you won’t go away. So you’ll continue to give her all of your affection. It makes her feel good.

When you stop and turn your attention on someone else, she’ll get very jealous. Once she sees you going after another girl, it’ll make her notice you and she may even approach you. Make sure she sees you flirt because that’ll make the biggest difference.

# Ask her why

If you’re honestly confused or if she has suddenly started to ignore you out of the blue, just ask her why. Tell her you don’t understand what happened and will stop if she just explains herself.

Most of the time, she will. And if you really aren’t sure what upset her enough to make her ignore you, then it could possibly be a misunderstanding. Talking about it and solving the problem can fix things and she’ll stop ignoring you.

# Ask her friends why

If she refuses to tell you what’s wrong. Go to her friends. A girl’s friends usually won’t hold back when it comes to something you did wrong. This is another case where you may not have done anything wrong at all.

When a girl ignores you, just casually walk up to her friend and ask why she’s upset with you. Just be aware that sometimes her friends may not know and she may not even have a reason in the first place.

# Quit looking so desperate

If you’re trying to get with a girl and you’re coming on too strong, it’ll look desperate. Telling a girl you’d do anything for her and acting like she’s the only girl for you in the entire world will not work.

If anything, that’ll make her run away faster and ignore you even more. Instead, pull back a little bit and avoid saying anything about her being the only one for you. It’ll make you look less desperate and in turn, more appealing to her.
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