6 Valid Reasons That Will Help You End a Relationship

There is no denying the fact that despite the serious issues that crop up in a relationship, we tend to think that if we keep trying and persisting at it, then things will work out in the end. Maybe we stay in a relationship just because we are too scared to end up lonely and alone. That itself is a major factor why people turn a blind eye to all the reasons to end love.

But we have to accept the fact that certain situations can’t really be overthought like this. If there are all kinds of red flags in a relationship, then maybe it’s time to cut yourself loose from your partner. Here are a few good reasons to end a relationship:

# There is abuse in your relationship

Be it physical, emotional, or verbal, abuse is an absolute no-no and not something that you can overlook. Even the first hint of abuse should be a reason to end a long-term relationship. There are some things that cannot be tolerated and abuse is one of them. Sometimes, abusers might express remorse and make genuine attempts to change themselves.

# They have betrayed your trust

One of the solid reasons to break up a long-term relationship, a breakdown of trust can truly wreak havoc on the two people involved. Cheating is hard to forget or forgive. So is lying or keeping secrets from one another. Has your partner broken your trust one too many times? If yes, then the relationship has already been treading on thin ice. Also, remember that a remorseless cheater can stray again. So, you need to decide carefully if they deserve another chance.

# They refuse to change

Does your otherwise perfect partner have a bad habit you can’t condone? Say, drinking, smoking, excessive gambling, bad financial decisions, and so on? Because things such as these can create a huge wedge between the two of you. The problem can snowball eventually if, despite your best efforts, they refuse to change.

# You are holding each other back

Some reasons to end a relationship don’t have too much to do with one partner being wrong or bad. Sometimes, they just have to do with changing circumstances. If you aren’t growing in a relationship, well, that is one of the major reasons to end love and leave. At times, relationships become stagnant or ‘dead’ and no amount of therapy can help them revive. Sometimes, people stay in relationships because they are scared of the unknown or worried about how they will survive on their own.

# Good reasons to end a relationship – You two are always fighting

When you are looking for convincing reasons not to stay in a relationship, consider catfighting between couples as a big one. There is no relationship without fights, we get that. But hear us out when we tell you that fighting on a regular basis is not a good thing and can actually be pretty scary.

# Your needs are not being met

This may not seem like one of the right reasons to end a relationship because to some it might actually appear selfish but we assure you that if this is true, then you won’t be able to go on for too long. In a good relationship, the couple should both speak the same love language, or at least respect and value each other’s. Also, despite differences, your end goal and core family values should be the same. But when your emotional or intellectual needs are not met or you feel misunderstood, it is difficult to stay together.
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