6 Ways To Ensure Your First Date is a Blast

You only get one chance to make a good impression on the first date.Now, of course, some lovers have had an awful first date, and still ended up staying together to laugh about it later!But in today’s hectic and fast paced world, most people don’t have the time or the luxury for second chances.That may be unfortunate, but it’s a bitter pill that you need to swallow whether you like it or not.

You need to understand that your best shot to see this woman again is to create the best first impression possible.Now that is a lot of pressure to throw onto someone before even meeting up, we understand that.But that’s just the way it works.Use these 6 most helpful hints out there today to ensure you have an awesome evening and score a chance for that second date you want so badly!

# The interview

While it’s good to have a few questions prepared in case the conversation goes dead right at the start of dinner, please do not come off as an investigative reporter trying to uncover every single piece of information.

Ask a question casually, let her answer, and feed off that original question with a few more questions as long as she seems interested in talking about it. Do not shoot a line of rapid fire questioning from the hip, it will not end well for you.

# The hint of sexual tension

I completely understand when people say “find a person whose personality you love, then create a relationship from there and you will learn to love the rest of them.” With all due respect to that quote, that’s bullshit. If there isn’t at least a mutual physical attraction right from the start, this relationship may not last long enough to find the other qualities of the person attractive enough to spark the fire.

So take your time to build the sexual tension the right way. Don’t come off too strong, but never for one moment should you forget that you’re on a date that tests your sexual compatibility as well as your relationship compatibility.

# Phone etiquette

Nothing kills a first date more than checking your text messages while your date is talking, or interrupting them to take a call. If you can’t keep your phone in the car, at the very least, put it away in your pocket on vibrate *it can still be annoying to hear a constant buzz throughout dinner but it’s definitely not as big of a mood killer as a full blown ringtone going off right in the middle of a great conversation*.

# Don’t be a bore

Don’t be boring and learn to ask good questions that keep the conversation interesting. You are not interviewing someone to hire them for a job, and this person is not going to be your personal assistant.

Ask engaging questions on their life, their job, things that truly make them happy and really run with the conversation. You will be surprised how much you will not only learn about your date, but how much you’d enjoy learning about her life as well.

# Personal tales

Women love men who can laugh at themselves. Now telling a story about you pissing your bed when you were 5 is cute and funny. Telling her how you pissed your bed when you were 25 just comes off as immature and a bit sad. Keep the stories classy and fun!

# Avoid negativity at all costs

You may disagree with a political view she has, or maybe something as simple as the best type of pasta, but keep those negative comments to yourself. It’s fine to disagree, but to go on an all-out crusade to prove why you’re right definitely won’t rub your date the right way.
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