7 Steps To Make The Man of Your Dreams Fall at Your Feet

There is no silver bullet to make you an irresistible woman. You will need to incorporate different tactics to enrich your life and get your crush helplessly falling for you. Do you have eyes for a certain guy and want to transform him to your special boyfriend you can have fun with? Well, what you need is to rev up your seduction game and this post is here to teach you how to become sexually irresistible.

# Work on your personality

Most men will tell you that an irresistible woman is agreeable and conscientious and she invests in quality. If you want to have a boyfriend or husband in future, try to be easy to get along with and be organized.

If you are an impatient girl, calling and texting him twenty times in a day will not make him ask you out. You have to change because a man hates to be pressured or suffocated. Be relaxed and let nature take its course.

But do not be an ordinary woman- you will bore him very soon. A sexually irresistible woman is funny, adventurous, flexible, welcoming, passionate, and not afraid to take risks. If you have a negative attitude, you need to cut it out if you want to have a husband someday.

A bad attitude is boring and is like an energy that brings down the people around. Instead, look at the good side of life always because your boyfriend will want to be with a girl who makes him feel good.

# Be the mysterious woman

Men prefer some mystery. You don’t need to be obvious all the time. Make him curious and he will want to learn more about you and get close. It is better off not to share all your details with him or exhibit some behavior which is most common among girls. That will make you different. Concerning your past relationships, keep it to yourself unless he asks. At least don’t tell him until the fourth date. An element of mystery will keep your crush wanting to know more about your life and that is one aspect of being irresistible.

# Confidence is irresistible

No one can dispute this. A confident woman can put on any dress and look like a beauty pageant because she knows how to embrace her body figure. Confidence is not about being perfect; it is not about wearing the most expensive dress or flawless makeup. Confidence is about letting the world know you are proud of yourself and understands your worthiness. So, hiding behind a fake makeup or putting on tights every day to hide your legs is the opposite of confidence. If your crush reads insecurity in your behavior, he will never want to be your husband. Being insecure about yourself will drag you and you will have a hard time progressing as a woman.

You may have been born with it; but if you have a low self-esteem, you must work on it, like building muscles in the gym for guys to notice. If you don’t know how to build confidence, a few tips will help: Always smile: smiling is everything but not the plastic smile. It projects friendliness and the good thing about it are that it is contagious.

You will get your crush smiling if you approach him with a smiley face. Walk like a queen: have you seen any queen in a movie walk with her head low? Maintain an upright gait, put on high heels, and swing your hips. Yes, that’s right, there is a certain walk men find sexually attractive. Reward yourself: never dismiss your achievements, no matter how small they seem.

Take a moment and acknowledge what you have accomplished and then reward yourself. Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations: This includes talking with strangers and bantering with guys wherever you are at. Show your confidence by asking when in doubt and help others when they seem lost.

# Steer clear of any drama

Most men hate dramatic women. Sometimes a man likes to listen to gossips but he doesn’t appreciate it when it comes from someone he might want to date. Please do not turn off your crush with unnecessary drama. If you can’t stop gossiping, kindly save it for when you’re with your girlfriends. No man wants a woman who keeps talking behind other people’s backs.

# Make him laugh

Everyone finds humor attractive, though in different ways. Studies show that guys love it when girls laugh at their jokes while girls like funny men. If you initiate jokes, your crush is more likely to give you more. And why is humor irresistible? A funny individual is creative and intelligent, and intelligence is sexy. So, you will be sexually attractive by chuckling more. Learn how to make your crush laugh and you will gain more attention from him. And when he creates jokes, laugh uncontrollably till you cry. Laughter is magical- it builds intimacy and trust and that is something you want with your future husband. But you don’t have to fake your laughter because he will notice. Let it come off natural and genuine and he will appreciate it. It is also a good way of boosting his ego, knowing he can make a woman happy.

# An improving woman is irresistible

There is nothing a man finds sexier than a woman who is constantly upgrading herself. First, improve your life for your own good and in the process, you never know- your crush will be begging you to be his girlfriend. While you are making your life better, you will meet more handsome guys say by attending the gym or enrolling for a subject you’ve been postponing in the past few years. Think about it- enriching your life is not time wasted but makes you totally irresistible, sexually. One of the simplest ways of improving yourself is increasing your hygiene, which is very simple. Take a shower twice a day and freshen up any time you intend to meet your boyfriend. Guys like clean girls. He will appreciate if you don’t have a smell from last night’s drunken party. Who doesn’t want a partner who smells nice? Consider investing in some sweet perfume and he will want to hang around you all day long.

# Avoid putting on an act

An authentic woman is sexually irresistible. The key is being yourself- in dressing, talking, walking and so on. If you are buying a new pair of pants, choose one that makes you happy as opposed to what you think your crush likes. Putting on a façade makes you look unnatural and a try-hard, which is very unappealing to a boyfriend. Never pretend to be someone you are not because you will turn him off. Are you looking for a potential husband? Stop trying so hard to look sexy; go with what makes you feel sexy as opposed to looking trashy.

When it comes to your dressing, always go for subtleness. Less is more. Put on dresses that gracefully accentuate your body figure without revealing too much skin. The golden rule for decent dressing is: show legs or cleavage and not both. If you decide to go backless, ensure that your neckline is not low-cut and vice versa. Opt for sophisticated but elegant attires to make good first impressions.

For your information, simple clothes are the best because your man will be focusing more on your face as opposed to crazy attire. Being yourself also means wearing natural makeup. Fake eyelashes and nails will have him thinking that you are not pretty enough to go without makeup. An irresistible woman prides in her natural looks and is not obsessed with add-ons.
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