8 Tips To Become Boyfriend Material and Find The Perfect Partner

Being in a relationship is awesome. Maintaining a relationship is another thing altogether. Although a lot of women are now more assertive and dominant, the rest are still guided by the idea that guys need to adhere to some sort of standard for boyfriends. In that case, the men have no choice but to step up and turn themselves into boyfriend material.

The problem is, what one person deems to be boyfriend material, might not be enough for someone else! There’s no way to determine which particular type of boyfriend works for any one person, but it’s possible to be as close to ideal boyfriend material by making a few changes.

We can’t exactly enumerate a step-by-step cheat sheet for you to become boyfriend material, but we do have some helpful hints that will take you one step closer to forming a special bond with someone you really like. Remember, everyone likes slightly different things, but overall, these are the traits you should look to develop within yourself.

# Be intuitive

Intuition and sensitivity are your most effective assets in becoming boyfriend material. Knowing where you stand can go a long way to becoming a good boyfriend.

# Be selective

Be a good boyfriend to a good girlfriend. Avoid abusive, opportunistic, and close-minded people who will only ruin your positive outlook in life. If you’re already in that type of relationship, do your best to help your partner deal with their problems. Get out of a relationship if your efforts aren’t making a difference.

# You’re boyfriend material if you’re always honest

A relationship won’t work if it’s based on lies. We understand that there are some things that are better left unsaid, but lying won’t help make them disappear. Sooner or later, the truth will come out. If it doesn’t, the weight of your dishonesty might affect your relationship.

# Be polite

Even though you’re in a relationship, it does not give you a free pass to treat your partner horribly. No matter what situation you are in, treat them with the utmost respect, and ask them to do the same for you.

# Be chivalrous

Being a good boyfriend requires you to perform at least the most rudimentary forms of chivalry. Opening a door for your partner, paying the bill on the first date, or just offering to do small chores that you know you’re more physically capable of are some of the ways you can be more chivalrous.

# Act like a gentleman

Do what society expects you to do – in the context of dating, that is. Make the first move, call her first, pick her up, escort her home, or put your jacket over a puddle. We’re kidding with that last one, but you see where we’re going with this.

# Be generous to show you’re boyfriend material

If you want to shower her with gifts, go ahead, but being generous isn’t just about material things. Be generous with your affection, your attention, and your love. Don’t be shy about giving everything you’ve got. The rewards more than make up for it.

# Be a little daring

Even men have insecurities when it comes to dating. Throw those out the door and be confident about the fact that you are boyfriend material. Any girl would be lucky to have you! So go out, talk to the girl of your dreams, and make it happen.
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