8 Types of Toxic Friends You Should Avoid in Your Life

If your friends bring harm and undue stress to your life, it’s time to rethink the types of toxic friends you have and if they should stick around.

With friends we tend to be forgiving and understanding of their occasional faults and personality quirks even if those sometimes bring harm. This can lead to years of putting up with different types of toxic friends. But don’t be oblivious to the fact that a toxic friend is detrimental to your well-being.

# The manipulative user

Technically, these types of toxic friends are not really your friends at all. They only take the form of one because they have ulterior motives. They stick to you because you are a means to getting what they want. These types will butter you up so that you’ll be amicable to doing them favors but will dump you out once you served your purpose.

How to know if you have a manipulative user as a friend? They are never around when you need them the most.

# The needy friend

Having a needy friend is like raising a kid. They depend on you for the most ridiculously basic and refuse to learn how to do things on their own. Their neediness can range from a variety of aspects: from constant companionship, advice, reassurance, and sometimes financial support. These types are dead weight that should be cut off from your life unless they learn how to be responsible for their own affairs.

# The clingy possessive friend

Like the psycho boyfriend/girlfriend stereotype, this type of friend acts like you are their possession. You must be close by at all times. What they want is your full undivided attention. They will be upset if you spend more time with your other friends, romantic partner, and even family. Sure, these types will show their full loyalty and devotion to you, but they will unrealistically expect the same.

# The drama queen

Drama queens create and revel in unnecessary drama from the people around them. And they overreact in the most superficial of events and deliberately create conflict and tension. Sometimes they even create an issue even if the situation calls for none just to elicit reactions from others. For these self-absorbed types, life is better if it’s full of despair, jealousy, conflict, and crying.

# The commentator

These are the types of toxic friends that have to comment about everything, even if it’s none of their business. And it would be great if some of their comments were positive, but you’ll find that most of what they say is critical. They are often opinionated with weakly formed opinions and would probably die if they spent a day without saying something about anything.

These types are not difficult to miss because you’ll be able to identify that nagging chatter from a few feet away.

# The gossip-monger

If the commentator has their unsolicited opinions, the gossip-monger, as the name implies, carry and produce gossip 24/7. If you have them around at a gathering, you won’t be able to have a normal conversation and instead will waste your time being bombarded with unverified stories about other people’s affairs. You need to kick these people out of your life as soon as possible as they might be spreading gossip about you as well.

# The flaky friend

This type of a toxic friend is notorious for frequent last minute cancellations on you or your group of friend’s get-togethers. This can be frustrating as it shows that your flaky friend has no sense of commitment to spend time with you and places no value to the time you allot for them. Not to worry though as flaky friends will eventually end up “out of circulation” from their group of friends and will no longer be sought out in the future.

# The negative thinker

They are whiners, complainers, and pathologically pessimistic. According to their outlook, everything is set-up to fail. No one should ever hope for the best or exert any effort in life.

This type ranks high in the list of toxic friends. Their negative mindset is contagious and may rub onto you if you continue to associate with them.
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