9 Amazing Rules of Life for a Happy and Positive Life

You aren’t issued with a rule book at birth, so how are you supposed to know the guidelines? We make our own, so what are rules of life you will set?

I don’t know about you, but when I popped out of the womb, I wasn’t instantly handed a huge, leather-bound book with all the rules of life contained within it. Was I supposed to have been given this when I started school? Graduated?

In any case, I never received a rule book, and I had to make my rules up as I went along. I think I did a pretty good job, seeing as I’m still here, living and breathing and not offending everyone on a daily basis.

# Treat others as you would like to be treated

One of my biggest pet hates on this planet is disrespect. Why be mean to someone for no reason? Why treat someone with a total lack of respect for no other reason than you felt like it? If you believe in karma, and I seriously do, then you know it’s going to come back and bite you on the butt!

My number one rule: treat other people how you would want to be treated yourself.

# Do something that makes you smile every single day

I sometimes break this rule, especially if I’m PMSing and nothing seems positive, but it’s one to live by. Doing something that makes you smile on a daily basis keeps you upbeat and happy to be alive. It kicks out negativity and boredom and makes you a more cheerful, fun to be around kind of person!

# Don’t care what others think of you

As long as you’re doing your best and not hurting anyone else, why should you care what other people think about you? We place so much importance on how we come across to other people, but we forget to realize that the most important person to please is ourselves!

# Step away from the phone

This is one of my pet peeves and latest additions to the rules of life book, according to me. Put down the phone, step away from social media, and be present in the moment!

We spend so much time staring at a tiny piece of plastic that it takes us so far away from the people sitting opposite us! It doesn’t matter if you talk constantly to a friend who lives three states away if the person who is with you every single day isn’t getting any of your attention. Seriously, step away from the phone.

# Self

Every single second you kick yourself with self-deprecating talk or sabotaging your own happiness, is a second of your life you never get back. Stop putting yourself down and making yourself miserable!

# Talk, talk, talk

Mental health issues are so prevalent in today’s society, and we need to talk more about how we feel and kick out the stigma. Talk it out, talk to a friend, talk, talk, and talk some more. This is one of my biggest rules of life!

# If you like someone, tell them

Regrets and ‘what if’ should never feature in your life, so if you really like someone, be brave and just tell them. If they don’t feel the same, so what? At least you made them feel good by telling them, and at least you know where you stand. Life is too short for keeping quiet.

# Never go to sleep on an argument

My grandmother taught me this one. Never go to bed angry or fall to sleep on an argument. You never know if you’ll wake up, as depressing as that sounds. If those last words you spoke were angry ones, how is the other person going to feel? Also, if you can sleep while you know a loved one is upset, that’s not a sign of a good person!

# Work to live, don’t live to work

Find a job you love and do it for love. Never allow it to take over your life to the point where it’s all work and no play. The money you earn from your job should be used for life but also for enjoyment. Enjoy your down time!
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