Every Girl Story- Daily Routine Struggles We Go Through

Girls, are a wonderful creation of God. They have amazing working and super cool looks power. Every girls goes through many different things in her daily life. From struggling to decide the dress for day in morning to decide to send that good night text to her crush. Today, we will talk about the struggles every go through in her daily routine. They might not be a big issue for some, but trust me for most of them they are.

Wearing the Bra Cage

We get up and just after having bath we need to get into Bra cage for the whole day. I know how big struggle it is be in that for whole big day.

Matching The liner in Both Eyes

This is again a very big struggle we all go through. Every day we put liner, but it`s always a struggle to get that equal size in both eyes.

To Plan for Fitness Routine

Daily we decide to start our exercising and fitness schedule, but we terribly fail to adopt that.

Getting Hair Done

Deciding to put your hair in perfect shape is very tough. Specially, when you want to look great, they decide not to make you look good.

Matching Footwear with Dress

We all struggle to match our footwear with the dress we are wearing. It is very tough decision to be made.
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