If you are looking for an online partner, then remember these things

There was a time when marriages were done to a relative's mentioned boy or girl or a relationship was found nearby and sometimes someone got married with the advice of a known pandit. Or it can be said that people did not have much options to find their partner and hence the scope of their marriage was limited due to less choices. Then time gradually changed and the ideology of the people also changed. Now the scope of choosing a partner is not limited to known background. There was also a change in the likes and dislikes of the people and then the round went on to choose online partners. If you too are looking for an online life partner, then you must keep some things in mind.

# Check profile

First of all check social media links of boy or girl. How old is his profile, how are the pictures, nothing is suspicious, who are in his friend list, are these people right or not? If there is any confusion, inquire with the person and the answer is not satisfying, do not proceed with it.

# Don't go alone

If you are planning to meet him online for a few days, then do not go alone to meet him. If possible, meet only in the presence of your parents.

# Don't trust

Never think that the information given by the person online is completely correct. Do not be in any hurry. Get to know well and if possible, take all his details from his workplace too, ask about his family and friends. Proceed to the point of testing well.

# Avoid hurry

If the other party is unnecessarily seeking personal information in the initial phase, then do not proceed further. Do not trust him if he want to move forward without giving information about the family. Because he may be in a hurry with a wrong intention.

# Matrimony sites selected

Trust only any trusted matrimonial sites. Only trust sites that are fully verified. Choosing the wrong site can spoil your life. Try to choose those who are paid members, because many people also register for time pass in these sites.

# Give an honest snapshot of who you are

Your profile should start by describing your most prominent and positive character traits. Are you funny? Outgoing? Creative? Loyal? Affectionate? Intellectually curious? Choose 3 or 4 adjectives that best describe your personality. If you’re at a loss, ask your friends for help describing you. How would they describe you to someone they were setting you up with?

# Describe the qualities you are looking for

When you focus on character, you are being specific as to your values, which will resonate with like-minded people. If you focus on characteristics you risk sounding superficial, rigid, or overly picky. These are not attractive qualities.

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