Risk @16, Love @40 and Care @75

There are 3 important phases of life, when a person need UT-most attention, whether they say it or not. There are times when you dont want anyone to interfere in your life, but that is not right, during that phase if you are close to your family members it become more enjoyable.Here are 3 most important phases of life and what people should to make their close one go through that perfectly

1. Risk @ 16

It’s an exciting time for your child when they turn 16,, but with comes number of risks that you need to make sure.

# Now, is the time that you should learn to live your life your way.

# Your happiness is your responsibility. # You're still at the mercy of your parents.

16 is the age of crushes and first relationships for many kids. Your first love ("love") makes you feel like you're flying. And then your first breakup makes you feel like death. Roller coaster relationships are basically the norm in high school .

2. Love @ 40

For those who believe that love is a creation born within the individual and granted or given to another; love is available at any time and with any intensity. It becomes a matter that the one loving has complete access to, power to shape and of course the creation of a life altering context.

# Pressures of looking after children and ageing parents

# Your young age strikes you back

# Your sex life gets affected as your hormones start to change.

# You have contradictory hygiene standards

3. Care @ 75

This is the age, when people start behaving like a child. They need to handled like a little fragile child.

# People need to cared like a child, they need to pampered and handled with politeness and not with aggression.

# You should spend more time with them and talk to them more oftenly.

# At this age, people become more curious and ask ample of questions, and you must answer them.

# Taking opinion of people of this age should be made a priority.
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