Staying in The Bed For Long With Your Partner in Morning Has Many Benefits

There are some small moments in life that are really great. Turning on the television at the exact moment Robin Williams is giving his moving “Dead Poet's Society” speech. Unexpectedly learning that your entire purchase has been discounted 30 percent at checkout.

Glancing down at your phone to see a surprising text from a potential mate. All these instances make us feel like the universe is on our side.

The same goes for sex. While getting laid is always good, there are some choice encounters that qualify as really, really great. In the morning haze, when you're at your most vulnerable and still easing into the day, nothing beats the feeling of having someone next to you wrap his arms around you and make you feel wanted.

# Worth Remembering

This is a win for you and your girlfriends, who will appreciate the fully detailed recap later.

Normally you can't recollect anything save a few fragments, “I think it was um, good?”; “He was hot, right? You guys saw him?” But now you'll be able to fill in all the good stuff.

# No Need of GYM

It's a way better alternative to a morning workout before hopping into the shower. Scientists confirm that an hour of sex burns almost as many calories as a 30-minute jog.

After an hour, men and women burn an average of 240 calories and 180 calories, respectively.

# No Clothes

This does make for a speedier process, which is key for weekday mornings.

Heed the advice of great philosopher and first man to state the obvious, Aristotle, ”If everyone is naked, it only follows then that we should have sex.” Wise guy

# More Intimacy

The few minutes we have to ourselves after first opening our eyes are special. Most people who you're in regular contact with have no idea what you look, sound, smell and feel like first thing in the morning. It's a rare moment to others that's all to yourself.

# Better Than Coffee

Sex gets you going first thing in the morning. A poke in the back jolts you awake in a way that caffeine can't. If you become addicted, we understand.
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