9 Ways To Tell Someone You Like Them Over Text

Certainly, confessing your feelings to someone through text may lack the romantic flair of chasing after them in the rain or through an airport, as depicted in movies. However, this does not diminish the authenticity or significance of your emotions.

Texting has become a prevalent mode of communication in today's society. People break up, make up, and perhaps even propose via text messages.

Sending a heartfelt message through text is neither obscure nor impersonal. If you find yourself compelled to express your feelings to someone via text, do not be discouraged by the method. In fact, it can make the entire process much easier.

Naturally, there are potential pitfalls when conveying emotions through text, similar to any other method of expression. Nevertheless, we can address those concerns and ensure a smooth interaction.

# Shut down the abbreviations

Utilizing correct grammar not only adds to your attractiveness but also enhances clarity in communication. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid the usage of abbreviated forms such as u and r, and instead opt for their complete counterparts, you and are. Additionally, it is best to refrain from employing text language such as BTW, ROFL, OTP, SMH, and others.

While these abbreviations may appear self-evident to you, it's important to recognize that not everyone, including your crush, may be well-versed in the latest slang and acronyms.

# Make sure they’re focused

Sending an unexpected I like you text in the midst of someone's busy day may not yield the desired response. It's important to ensure that they are actively engaged in the conversation. Therefore, it might be better to broach the subject after discussing topics like work or the latest episode of a shared TV show.

However, it's crucial to establish a decent back-and-forth dialogue first, indicating their attentiveness and receptiveness to the conversation. This way, you can gauge their interest and ensure a more favorable response to your confession.

# Be careful

Before embarking on the task of expressing your feelings to someone via text, it's crucial to ensure that you are sending the message to the intended recipient. Similarly, if you find yourself venting to a friend about it, take care to confirm that your messages are directed to the right person.

In the past, you might have passed a note to your crush during class, and the thought of the teacher intercepting and reading it aloud would be utterly mortifying.

In today's digital dating world, the same risk exists. Therefore, it's advisable to conduct a quick double-check before pressing the send button. Given the nervousness you may already be experiencing, there's no need to compound it by making an inadvertent mistake.

# Don’t double text

If you find yourself in a situation where the person you messaged hasn't responded immediately, it's important to resist the urge to send a follow-up message. Double texting is widely regarded as desperate and, quite frankly, irritating. Even if you attribute it to a phone glitch or technical issue, it's unlikely that anyone will believe such an explanation.

The best course of action is to exercise patience and wait it out. It's essential to avoid jeopardizing any potential opportunity by coming across as overly clingy or desperate. Remember, being labeled as a stage five clinger can significantly harm your chances with the person you're interested in.

# Don’t confess your love

When you're getting to know someone you're interested in, it's important to keep in mind that this is not a situation where you need to divulge all your thoughts or express long-term commitment. It's not necessary to share every detail about your perception of them at this stage, such as the first time you laid eyes on them or how often they occupy your thoughts. Similarly, discussing their scent can be perceived as overly personal and even unsettling, so it's best to hold off on such topics for now.

# Keep it simple

In line with avoiding excessive intensity, it's beneficial to keep your messages concise and pleasant. For instance, you could say, I understand we're currently friends, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime. What are your thoughts? Alternatively, a simpler approach could be, Would you like to go out with me on Friday?

By using such straightforward and clear language, you communicate your intentions clearly and leave the recipient with only a couple of response options. This simplicity reduces complications and demonstrates confidence in your approach.

# Text when you know they are available

One of the most challenging aspects of texting someone to express your feelings is the anticipation of their response. The waiting period can be agonizing because you simply want to know their answer, regardless of whether it's a positive or negative one.

If you choose to text them randomly, you might find yourself waiting for hours, which can be mentally taxing for anyone. To avoid this, it's important to consider their availability before sending the message. Optimal times could be after their work shift is finished or during the weekend when they are more likely to be free. By choosing a suitable moment, you increase the chances of receiving a timely response and spare yourself unnecessary anxiety.

# Ask them out

It is possible to invite someone out without explicitly stating your romantic interest in them. This approach can help alleviate any potential pressure they might feel, as they may fear not meeting your expectations.

Instead, consider asking them on a date. By doing so, you allow yourself more time to contemplate how you will eventually express your feelings towards them. Moreover, expressing your interest in this indirect manner communicates your attraction without coming on too strong. However, it's important to ensure you use the word date rather than hang out to avoid any confusion or mixed signals.

# Have a backup plan

In the event of facing rejection and desiring to maintain your dignity, it's helpful to have a plan in place. One approach is to convey confidence and nonchalance by responding with a casual remark like, Alright, no problem. It was just a thought.

Alternatively, you could resort to the age-old classic of claiming, Oops, wrong person. While it may be evident to others that this is not the case, using this excuse can be less embarrassing than facing direct rejection, or at least it may feel that way.

Although this excuse may come across as transparent and insincere, it can serve as a strategy to downplay your investment if you are concerned about potential rejection. Ultimately, the goal is to handle the situation gracefully and preserve your self-assurance.
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