The Best Time To Get Intimate is Not Hump Day, Know What It is

If you're anything like us, you don't need any extra excuses to get it on, but it turns out that certain moments can be even better than others for having sex. Total game-changer, right? Check out the best times ever to get busy:

# Before a Big Presentation

Research shows that having sex calms nerves, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. One study even found that people who had sex before a public speaking experiment were the least stressed!

# In the Morning

Seriously, your body was made for morning sex. "Not only are testosterone and energy levels higher in the morning, but the increase in oxytocin levels keeps you and your partner bonded throughout the day while the endorphins boost your mood," says sex expert Jessica O'Reilly, Ph.D. Not a bad way to start off your day, huh?

# When You're Feeling a Little Under the Weather

It may seem counter intuitive, but studies show that having sex can actually boost your immune system. Okay, so you may not want to jump each other's bones when you're running a fever, but hey, it's one way to prepare for flu season.

# After a Workout

Take advantage of that post-workout glow and the added benefits of higher sexual functioning that follow. One study from the University of Texas at Austin compared women's reactions to erotic material after a 20-minute bike ride and found that blood flow to their genital region was 169 percent higher after a workout. Not to mention you often have a better body image post-workout, so your inhibitions will be checked at the bedroom door. Plus, your body pumps out testosterone—a crucial sex hormone—when you exercise, so your natural desire will be even higher after a sweat session.

# After a Bad Day

Want to shake off the stress of a tough day at the office? Sex might be a healthier choice than a couple of beers. "Studies show that sex and other forms of physical affection—even holding hands—significantly improve your mood and lower stress levels for days to come," says O’Reilly. Plus, working out that tension and frustration in bed can actually make you more passionate and enthusiastic.
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