When Your Friend Insults You In Public

Friendship is one of the most amazing relation in our life. We tend to have ample number of friends but few among them are the special ones. We never have to think twice before sharing our feelings to them. We are at our best with them. They are our secret admirers, keepers, care takers and everything. We share every relation with them. They know what are we up to and though we never  have to pretend in front of them. Friends, they are life, what we would do without them? We can’t even think about our late night gossip and sharing our date night but there are times when we get into bad fights with our friends. They say words or do some acts in fronts of others that hurt us badly and situation doesn’t allow us to react. What we feel at that time is only we know- and have some reactions complied up for your hurt-

You feel totally numb and just allow them to insult you.

You try to laugh and pretend as if nothing happened but deep down you are hurt.

You opt to stay quite and bear what just happened.


You ignore everything.


You fight back and insult your friend back.

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