Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol, stay indoors: Government issues advisory as India reels under heatwave

Wear loose, light-colored cotton clothes, stay indoors and avoid drinking alcohol, tea, and coffee, the government said on Monday in a health advisory issued in view of the ongoing spell of the heatwave in parts of the country. A heatwave can cause adverse effects on human health, including other sectors,” the advisory, issued by the Health Ministry, stated as it suggested a series of Dos and Don’ts.

The advisory asked people to use an umbrella or cap or towel when outside and frequently drink water and salted drinks like lassi, lemon water, fruit juice and ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution). It also asked people to eat fruits such as watermelon, cucumber, lemon, and orange, and take a frequent bath and reduce room temperature by using curtains, fan, cooler and air conditioner.

“Person feeling unwell, especially old aged, young children, pregnant women, those with pre-existing medical conditions, and outdoor workers, should be immediately shifted to a cooler place, put on minimum clothing, be sponged with cold water, applied ice packs wrapped in cloth, and transported to nearest health facility,” the advisory said.

It asked people not to venture out in the sun, especially between 12pm and 3pm. India has been reeling under heatwave conditions over the past few days with the mercury crossing the 50 degrees Celsius-mark in Rajsthan’s Churu.

On Monday, Churu recorded 50.3 degrees Celsius being the hottest place in the country for the third consecutive day. At present, heatwave conditions are prevailing over parts of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Vidarbha, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi, the advisory stated.
Inputs from Freepressjournal
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