Coronavirus Update- Doctor and Nurse Tie the Knot in the Hospital Amid Coronavirus Pandemic in London

Amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, a doctor and a nurse got married at the hospital where they work in London.

Jann Tipping (34) and Annalan Navaratnam (30) had planned to marry in August but had to cancel because their families living in Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka would have been able to travel to London because of the pandemic. Hence, rather than postponing the event, the couple married in the chapel at St Thomas’ Hospital.

“We wanted to have the ceremony while everyone was still healthy, even if it meant our loved ones having to watch us on a screen. We wanted to make sure we could celebrate while we were all still able to, said Jann.

Annalan said, “Jann and I wanted to get married from the moment I proposed. We're so happy that we have been able to commit ourselves to one another and that the hospital has been able to support us to do that.”

Meanwhile, the pictures of the wedding are now going viral on social media. That is amazing. Congratulations to you both and well done @GSTTnhs for allowing these guys to get married in that beautiful chapel, said a Twitter user. Truly delighted for you both many congratulations and much love and happiness for your future together as husband and wife, said another Twitter user.

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