5 Major Signs Of Abnormalities In Period You Should Not Ignore

By: Pinki Thu, 28 Dec 2023 8:27:10

5 Major Signs of Abnormalities in Period You Should Not Ignore

Menstruation, commonly referred to as a period, is a natural monthly process where the uterus sheds its lining in women of reproductive age. During this cycle, menstrual blood, consisting of the uterus lining, exits the body through the cervix and vagina. This physiological occurrence is integral to the female reproductive system, priming the body for potential pregnancy.Typically, a regular menstrual cycle lasts between four to seven days, with a cycle length ranging from 21 to 35 days. Changes in this established pattern might indicate irregularities, signaling the need for medical attention. While consistency in periods is usual, some women may experience irregular or abnormal menstrual cycles at least once in their lifetime.Monitoring changes in your menstrual cycle is crucial. Variations in cycle length, excessively heavy or light bleeding, severe pain, or irregularities that persist beyond a few cycles may warrant a visit to a healthcare professional. Reporting any notable changes ensures proper evaluation and appropriate management of any underlying concerns.

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# Bleeding less than 2 days or more than 7 days

The usual period cycle is mostly between four to seven days. So, if you experience a shorter blood flow or a lengthy blood flow during a particular menstrual cycle and it happens frequently, it might be a cause of concern.

While menorrhagia means extra heavy periods, hypomenorrhoea is a condition that is characterized by light periods and in this case, the menstruation occurs for less than two days with blood volume less than 80ml.

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# Cycle is less than 24 days or more than 38 days

The number of days between periods can vary for each woman, but the normal range falls anywhere between 24–38 days. So a cycle that falls outside this time frame is termed irregular or abnormal. In fact, if it varies for more than 20 days in length and it happens from month to month, it is ideal to see a doctor.

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# Changing fully soaked pads or tampons every 3 hours

Period blood volume also changes from woman to woman. However, if you soak through one or more pads or tampons every 3 hours, there are chances you have menorrhagia, which means an abnormally heavy menstrual flow. Along with the heavy bleeding, the woman suffering from menorrhagia might also show signs of anaemia such as fatigue or shortness of breath. But don’t worry too much, a heavy menstrual flow is common and most women eventually end up seeing their doctor about it.

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# Passing multiple clots

Passing blood clots during your periods is normal. However, passing large blood clots means there is something wrong. If your periods are heavier than usual or you are passing very large blood clots, check with your doctor to determine if there’s an underlying problem causing blood clots to happen.

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# Not needing a pad at all or spotting

Spotting may be managed with a pantyliner instead of a sanitary pad. But even that light a menstrual flow needs your attention. Amenorrhea is a menstrual disorder, which is characterized by absent or missed periods for continuous three cycles. So if a woman’s normal menstrual cycle becomes increasingly irregular or absent, she might be suffering from amenorrhea. There can be several reasons to it, and the most common are biological changes like breastfeeding, pregnancy or menopause.

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