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6 Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair

By: Kratika Thu, 24 Nov 2022 3:47:08

6 Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

We all are not unknown to the benefits of oiling hair. Since ages, coconut oil is being used in the hair care regime. It is one such ingredient that can help you in transforming your hair. What makes this oil a go-to product for your hair? What benefits does it offer? This post will help you in knowing the answers to these questions.

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# Moisturizes Hair

Coconut oil not only has high moisture retaining capacity but it also doesn’t evaporate easily and stays on the hair for long to keep them hydrated. This ability of coconut oil to retain moisture is so necessary for well-moisturized and strong hair. Moreover, it protects the hair from heat and environment damage.

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# Prevents Hair Damage

Second, on the list of amazing benefits of Coconut Oil for hair is that it helps in reducing the damage done to hair due to the regular use of styling devices, pollution, other hair products, etc. The oil helps in preventing protein loss from hair. Rich in lauric acid, the oil has a high affinity for hair protein and has the ability to penetrate inside the hair shaft thereby preventing other harmful substances from getting into the hair. The strategic use of coconut oil can definitely help in preventing hair damage.

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# Hair Growth

Coconut oil is an effective natural conditioner due to the presence of fatty acids in it. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent that helps to reduce inflammation and has the ability to seep deep into the hair strands and repair them. All these properties promote the health of hair thereby leading to hair growth.

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# Reduces Hair Loss

Next on the list of amazing benefits of Coconut Oil for hair is that it helps in reducing the hair loss. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties that keep the bacteria at bay thereby keeping the hair follicles healthy. Moreover, it improves the blood circulation of the scalp thereby nourishing the follicles and ensuring healthy and strong hair.

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# Prevents Dandruff

The dry and white flaxy dandruff not only irritates but also demotivates and embarrasses you. Dandruff can be caused due to dry skin conditions and fungal infections. One of the amazing benefits of coconut oil for hair is that it has antifungal properties that target fungal infections. Moreover, it has fatty acids and vitamins K and E which help in keeping the scalp clean.

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# Prevention From Lice Attacks

Lice make your life hell as it causes itching, weakens hair roots and headache. Coconut oil being thick in consistency helps in suffocating lice thereby killing them. The viscous coconut oil prevents the transfer of lice onto clothes and furniture thereby preventing them from spreading to other people. According to a study, coconut oil on combining with anise in a spray proves effective at treating head lice. Isn’t one of the effective benefits of coconut oil.

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