5 Home Remedies To Get Of Canker Sores

By: Pinki Thu, 26 Dec 2019 3:49:57

5 Home Remedies To Get of Canker Sores

Canker sores sound very painful and itchy, right? Pain, along with the inability to eat and talk, causes a very dreadful experience for you. Canker sores occur inside your mouth, on the inside of your cheeks, under the tongue, or under the lip in the form of lesion and ulcer. You start to feel a sensation 24 hours before the canker appears. Then a gray or a white color crater starts to appear with a red border.

If even after using these remedies, you are experiencing pain then you should definitely consult your doctor. Given below is the list of natural remedies you can use to get rid of the canker sores.

* Honey

Honey is considered to be good for your health. As we all know it has soothing, antiseptic as well as antibacterial properties. In this method you have to take 1 tsp of honey and apply it on your canker sore. This might be painful initially but it will reduce your inflammation and pain as time passes. Repeat this process several times a day. Alternatively, you can also use a paste of 1 tsp of honey and 1/4th tsp of turmeric powder. Apply this paste to your sore and rinse your mouth with it for few minutes. You can do this process two times in a day.

* Salt

While this natural remedy might cause initial discomfort or painful sensation for your canker sore, it is a highly effective process. Regarding the ingredients also you don’t need to be worried as they will be available aplenty at the home. In this method, take 1 tsp of salt and add it to one glass of lukewarm water and make sure you mix it well. Now, rinse with this solution in your mouth and keep it in your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it. Follow this, by taking a pinch of salt and put it in your mouth. As we have already mentioned earlier this will be very painful but in the long run, it will cause you a lot of relief. The reason for this is that the first process will disinfect your mouth while the second process will heal your canker sore. You can also repeat this process 4 – 5 times in a day.

canker sores,home remedies,Health tips,healthy living,simple health tips

* Yogurt

Eating 1 cup of yogurt daily can go a long way in preventing canker sore from growing. This one is very easy as far as other remedies are concerned in this list. Studies show that there are live probiotic cultures like lactobacillus which help eradicate the bacteria that is believed to be causing the canker sore. Yogurt has this probiotic cultures in them that heal canker sore quickly.

* Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial property that will help you ease your pain and also helps in speeding up the healing process. It is a very effective natural remedy. In this method, you have to make a paste of freshly squeezed gel from Aloe Vera leaves and apply this on your canker sore. Repeat this process many times in a day. Another method you can also use it to make fresh aloe vera juice and rinse it in your mouth about 3–4 times in a day. For quick results, use 2 tablespoons of aloe vera about 3 times a day.

* Vitamin B complex supplement

Canker sore generally occurs if your diet is low in vitamin B–12 supplement. Thus increasing supplements of vitamin B-12 in your diet can help you get rid of canker sores. Based on a study in 2017, having 1000 micrograms of Vitamin B-12 supplement daily can cause fewer canker sores. You can increase your Vitamin B-12 supplement using more milk, eggs, meat, fish, etc in your diet.

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