5 Potential Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

By: Kratika Sun, 06 Mar 2022 11:04:52

5 Potential Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Sesame ’Til’ seeds are small, flat oval, oil-rich seeds derived from the pods of Sesamum indicum plant. Sesame (Til), is an essential diet ingredient in India, due to various health benefits it offers. In fact, Ayurveda and other alternate medicine extensively use til as a healing and vata disorder balancing medicine.

Sesame seeds are either hulled or un-hulled, depending on the presence or absence of husk. Also, depending on the type of cultivar, there are several different varieties of sesame seeds such as black, white, and brown seeds.

Til has a nutty taste and can be consumed either in the raw or dried form or even as roasted snacks. Sesame seeds are of great value for their high content of sesame oil, which is made from raw, pressed sesame seeds.

health benefits of sesame seeds,Health tips,fitness tips

# Boosts bone health

1. The calcium and zinc content of til seeds promotes bone health. These seeds also contain certain natural compounds such as oxalates and phytates, which may affect the absorption of these minerals. Hence, it is recommended to sprout, soak, or roast these seeds to enhance the absorption of these nutrients.

2. The zinc content of sesame seeds also enhances bone mineral density. Regular consumption of sesame seeds can prevent the development of deficiencies that impact bone health and can facilitate the creation of new bone matter.

health benefits of sesame seeds,Health tips,fitness tips

# Prevents cancer

1. The huge amounts of minerals and vitamins present in til seeds help in reducing the risk of developing cancer.

2. The magnesium content of sesame seeds possesses strong anti-carcinogenic properties thus, preventing cancer.

3. The phytate content of these seeds acts as an antioxidant which reduces the effects of free radicals thus, reducing the chances of lung, prostate, breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers.

health benefits of sesame seeds,Health tips,fitness tips

# Controls blood pressure

1. The magnesium content of these seeds helps decrease blood pressure.

2. Certain nutrients such as lignans, vitamin E, and other antioxidants found in sesame seeds restrict the buildup of plaque in the arteries thus, maintaining healthy blood pressure.

3. Few compounds such as sesamin and sesamolin found in sesame oil decrease blood pressure naturally and also reduces the cardiovascular strain.

health benefits of sesame seeds,Health tips,fitness tips

# Improves oral health

1. The fatty acids found in sesame seeds are released when broken down on chewing, possess astringent and antibacterial properties.

2. The oil found in sesame seeds eliminates dental plaque thus, enhancing oral health.

3. Regular consumption of sesame seeds lowers the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

health benefits of sesame seeds,Health tips,fitness tips

# Other possible benefits

Til seeds produce several health benefits, apart from the health benefits mentioned above, it also produces few more such as triggers hair growth, boosts digestion, promotes skin health, reverses signs of aging, fights stress and depression, heals inflammation, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, improves immunity, manages diabetes, controls excess hormone production, regulates hormone disorders, helps in weight loss.

Also provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis, supports vascular and respiratory health, prevents migraine, cures anemia, protects from radiation damage, nullifies the effects of alcohol, treats anxiety, nourishes the organs, treats sunburns, offers glowing skin, treats cracked heels, encourages hair growth, prevents scalp problems, helps in hair darkening, improves sleep quality, boosts metabolic function, and reduces inflammation.

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